Chapter 42

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    *Im so sorry about the wait! My horse is my priority and the shows have been more often and chaotic as I try to balance all that with time with my friends and watch my exhaustion. I also just had my first ladicane infusion today so Im sorry if there are any errors towards the end. Thank you for reading, my lovelys!*

Everything was in a dream like state. I would get flashes of consciousness, time seeming to blur by in seconds what could really have been hours. Voices were meshed together but one was distinct through all the yelling and the sirens, meaning it was the closest. I couldn't understand them much in the bits I caught but I knew it was Ashley's by the familiarity of it. I knew he would have fought his way by my side by the look on his face before my consciousness left. With all these thoughts swirling around, my minds edges blurred and my train of thought lost its track and in one fell swoop, the blackness took over completely. Time became immeasurable.

   I had a slight break in the dark abyss I was in. I couldn't open my eyes nor move but I could hear everything just slightly, but that was enough. "Im here Scar. Stay with me, everything's going to be ok darling. I'm here and I'll never leave you. I love you, Jace loves you, the girls love you, James and Kyle love you. your band loves you. You're strong enough for this, you'll pull through, we're counting on you, we need you. I need you." The mans voice broke as he continued whispering sweet nothings in my ear before, once again the blackness took me.

I didn't know anything, I seemed to be lost in my minds eye, seeing nothing, hearing nothing, moving nothing. Every so often murmurs could be heard but then, nothing. I ached to move. To see Jace's bright blue eyes, to have a girls night with Juliet, Sammi, Ella and Rosalyn, To hang out with the guys and, most of all, to be in Ashley's arms, to kiss his lips, to just hear his voice.

    My want was so strong it struck fear into me, being this attached made me want to run, but I wouldn't. Not this time, he'd not done a single thing wrong and I trusted him. These thoughts played in my head until something changed.

     When I awoke again in the same situation as before I heard a distinct beeping noise and what seemed to be Rosalyn and Jesse speaking to each other. I felt two people holding each of my hands on either side of me. One sang lowly to me. I attempted to squeeze their hands, thanking them for being there and letting them know I was there, with no use.

    I listened to their melodic voice as it soothed my nerves before trying again, and this time, with success. I heard gasps on either side of me and then the room go silent before I slipped back under.

   Time passed seemingly fast and I once again came through, this time, feeling the slight effects of my injuries. The next thing I knew I heard a voice singing softly beside me.

    "I kissed the scars on her skin, I still think you're beautiful, and I don't ever want to lose my best friend."

   Knowing then I could finally move again, I decided to surprise the male serenade.

    "I screamed out God you vulture, bring her back or take me with her."

    They stopped when they heard me and I heard them running over as I slowly opened my eyes, meeting the shinning, beautiful blue orbs of my best friend.

   "Scarlett," He breathed, tears brimming in his eyes.

   "Don't cry darling, Im fine. If anything get me a drink, my throats burning." I croaked with a small smile. He grinned back as the door opened.

    There stood my exhausted looking boyfriend. His eyes rimmed in red with deep purple bags underneath. Now that I think about it, Jace looks exactly the same. "Jace, I got your..." He stopped speaking as his deep brown eyes met mine. Shock spread across his face like a wildfire as he hurriedly set his things down and ran to me.

Don't Lose Faith (Ashley Purdy Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن