>>• Chapter Twenty-One •<<

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Chapter Twenty-One

Your P.O.V

"Oh...Jihee...you look Horrible! Dafuq happened to you?!" Minna exclaims. Jihee slumps down in her usual seat and sobs. Her eyes were a bit red.
"Jimin...he doesn't like me the way I do." She cries. "I saw Yoongi yesterday and I told him I didn't wanted to see him again. I can't help but feel like shit."
I heard from Jin what had happened with both of the boys. Jimin came back disappointed from meeting Jihee and Yoongi came home late and drunk. He was really devastated. Jin said that he was a crying mess and that he kept throwing things around he even fought with Jungkook.

 Jin said that he was a crying mess and that he kept throwing things around he even fought with Jungkook

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Yes...now you get how sad he was because of this single girl.
Jin told me not to say anything to her, for it would probably cause problems between everyone and It will make Jihee guilty for everything that has happened. Right now, Suga was stuck in his bedroom and won't go out to practice.
I looked away from the crying girl and sighed in disappointment all this drama was giving me an extreme headache. I can't think at the moment.
The whole day Jihee couldn't stop being gloomy, so the best I could do was to console her until she would stop sobbing.

When we left back home, Kim held my hand tightly and hummed a tune to a new EXO song. Minna was to my right. Jihee walked the opposite way to her house.
"Man, Jihee has it all tuff with these males doesn't she?" She huffed.
"She sure does, but what can we do now. We did our best to convince her that Jimin was not the one and look at
what happened. I hope she gets over the fact that she was rejected and goes apologize to Yoongi." Minna stretched and let out a loud yawn.
"Not only Yoongi, but Jungkook as well." The tired girl rose her eyebrow in confusion. "Jungkook?"
"Yeah, Yoongi was drunk last night and well you know...Jungkook was beaten up in order to calm him down." She clicked her tongue and shook her head.
"Poor Soul..."
"Anyways You and Namjoon need to have a talk. Lying to him about studying abroad hurt him." Minna stopped in her tracks. Probably thinking about what she had told Namjoon the last time she came to our place and ate with all of us. I turn back to look at her face with pink dust on her cheeks. Minna was blushing.
"Gosh you had to remind me...It's embarrassing to remember that!! (Y/N) Whyyyyy?" Minna pouts.
Kim giggles. "She loooves him." The small girl cooed.
"S-Shut up you stupid kid." I laugh.
"Anyways I'll talk to Namjoon and just confess like Jihee did. That's the only thing I can do at the moment." I look behind her to see Namjoon with a shocked look. Like his eyes were wide open at what Minna had just said. The question was: How long has he been listening to our conversation?
"Eh? (Y/N)? What are you looking at?" The young female turns around to see Namjoon. He gulps and forces a smile. She blushes deep red and bows down.
"Annyeong..." She whispered.
"Minna...did you...do you really feel that way about me...DO YOU LOVE ME?!" He takes her hands into his with a now large smile on his face. That was the happiest I had ever seen this male.
"I...Yes...Always had...you Dic-" Namjoon cuts her off by placing his lips on her. Kim squeals and shuts her eyes tightly. I grin like a mad woman and thought about how cannon my ship had became. I took my phone from out of my backpack and took a picture of them eating each others faces. I laugh darkly and slid my phone back to where it was.
The new couple looked at each other for a moment. I knew that I wouldn't separate Minna and Namjoon, so I decided to just walk home without them.
At least something good happened today.

Jin was waiting for me patiently in the front of the door. He knew I was not going to stay long for I was almost going to go work. He turns his head to our direction and gives me a smile.
"Oh...(Y/N) I thought you were home already."
I shook my head "Sorry I was held back a bit." Jin walks towards us. He Kisses my cheek and pats Kim's head.
"I was wondering if maybe you could get Yoongi out of his room. I'm worried." His voice shook. No shit he was worried. Those boys are his whole life. "I know you have to work and all but...he has to get over Jihee o-or maybe she should come and talk to him! It will make him real-" I placed a finger over his lips.
"I'll do what I can to help. Let me just change into my job uniform and I'll be there in a bit. Take Kim will ya." He nods violently and takes the little girl's hand. I enter my apartment, throwing my backpack on the clean floor and walk to my room to change. Once finished, I tied my hair in a bun and headed to Jin's place. While I was on my way over there, I thought it will be a good idea to call Jihee and see if he wanted to talk to Yoongi. Then again she'll see him all bruised up from yesterday.
I groaned and poured my cheeks out in frustration. I wasn't sure as to what I should say to the sad male. But for Jin's sake I'll do whatever I can to make him come out of that room. The expression that Jin made as he was talking about Yoongi flashed through my mind.
I didn't realize that I was in front of their apartment. I knocked on the door and waited patiently for someone to open.
After a while the door open to reveal Jungkook. His hand was bruised up and so was his arm. 'poor soul' Minna's words echoed in my mind.
He let's me in.
''Yo...He's over here." He guides me to Yoongi's room. Kim was sitting on the floor doing her homework; oblivious as to what was going on. Jimin was sitting on the sofa, staring at nothing...maybe thinking about the happenings that occured. Of course something like that can affect a friendship. He's probably thinking about that.
The rest of bangtan was outside of Yoongi's door, waiting for him to come out. Even Namjoon was there. Don't have a clue as to how he got rid of Minna, but that isn't the problem here. Right now we want Yoongi to be back to normal.
I knock in his door. "Yoongi. Its me, (Y/N)...can you please open the door. It's best if you talk about it.'' I waited patiently for his response, but I got none. At this point I'll be late to work.
"Yoongi come on! Are you really going to be in that Room?! For crying out loud your friends are worried sick about you! I'm worried! Are you just going to run away from us and keep all your feelings bottled Up?! You have to talk to us about it! This isn't like you! I know you're heart is broken and shit but come on! It's not the end of the freaking world!'' I banged on his door hard.
"Pull yourself together will You! Are you really not going to come out and eat, practice or even take a piss or shit? Dude if you keep this up you'll probably let all of ARMY down! They made you who you are and you're just here in a damn room crying over a girl who does not like you when there plenty of other girls." This rant took longer than expected. Moments later the knob on his door jiggled and it slightly open. The male stood. His jaw had a fresh bruise in it and his eyes were Puffy from all that crying. He looked weak, but most importantly sorry. He embraced me in a light hug, which later turned into a group hug.

"I'm sorry for worrying you guys..." Yoongi whispered as he released me. Hoseok ruffles his hair and gave him a smile.
"That doesn't matter...the good thing is that you're out and that's that.'' I nod. "Hm. What (Y/N) said actually took effect on me. If I let my world crumble apart because of one girl, then I would of let Bangtan, my family and ARMY down. I cherish you guys more than anything." I smile for my work here was done.
Yoongi bows down. "Thanks (Y/N)."
"No need to thank me..." I looked at Jin and he gave me a relieved smile. He mouthed a thank you. Taehyung looks at his watch.
"Shouldn't you be at work?" he asks.
"Yep...I'll get going now. Take care of Yoongi and Kim for me..." I smile as I headed out the door and to the café.

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