>>• Chapter Twenty-Two •<<

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Chapter twenty two

Your P.O.V

A few weeks have passed since all the happenings that had occurred with Yoongi, Jihee, Jimin and Jungkook. Yoongi seems to get better as the days go by, but Jihee...She's not doing very well herself. To be honest, she's completely changed. Jihee is not that outgoing soul anymore. She went from happy to gloomy. Thinking that she was still sad about Jimin we just shrugged it off. That is until she began to stop talking to us.
That's when we noticed that this wasn't all normal. I believe now that Yoongi didn't take it that bad like Jihee. She got worse. And it was because of me. I should of talked to her about the problems she has.

Will Yoongi wanna talk to her? After what she had told him, I don't think it will be the best idea right now.

I kicked the pebble off the sidewalk as I was making my way from the grocery store to the apartment. Today was my day off of work and I took this as an opportunity to go out and buy fruits and vegetables as well as other goods.
Kim was back home with Jin. He was taking great care of her and I couldn't help but to feel greatful for what he has done for me. I smile to myself and looked at the other side of the street to see Jihee walking to the bus stop.
I began to walk over to where she was and at least talk to her for a while.
"Jihee!" I called.
She turns around and looks at me with a serious/sad type of expression.
"Oh...(Y/N)." Was all she said.
"How are you?" I asked.

"Good" Jihee replies.

"So...do you wanna come over at my place-" Jihee cuts me off almost immediately.
I laugh nervously, "But why...? We miss you a lot and-" Again.
"I just...I can't, I don't want to."
"Why?! Is it Jimin?" Jihee shakes her head violently.
"No it's not Jimin! It's Yoongi! I can't just bare to see him! I've...(Y/N) these past weeks have been tough a-and-" I was my turn to cut the brunette off.
"What about Yoongi? He's OK...It was tough for him to get over you and shit...but he's back in his feet." She smiles weakly and lets out a sigh.
"That's...great. Though...that's not what I meant." I blink.
"Do you wanna see him?"
She shook her head once more.
"No. I told him that I never wanted to see him again. He probably does not want to see me. It's fine." She hugs herself before adjusting her sweatshirt a bit.
Now that I look at her correctly...there's something quite off and I can't seem to put my finger in it.
A large bus interrupts me from my thoughts. Jihee waves goodbye and enters the bus, sitting all the way at the back. I walk away.

Once in my apartment, I was greeted by Jin Kissing my forehead and Kim hugging my legs. It felt great being welcomed into your home without someone having to scold you constantly and asking you to get them beer. Lucky for me those days are now over.
"We missed you." Jin says.

"I was only out for an hour!" I laughed, flicking his forehead lightly. He took all of my bags and placed them on the kitchen counter.
"Unnie...where is crazy oppa...I miss him." She pouts. I literally forgot about Joo-hyuk, he hasn't come by for a long time now. He was probably working on some drama, so it's most likely for him to be busy with all that shit...or he's probably with his mom.
Anyways he's also an idiot for not giving us his address to go see him. The only thing we do have is his phone number.
I pat the small girl's head. "We'll call crazy oppa later. You should do your homework and I'll cook us something to eat." Kim nods her head and goes into the living room, where a bunch of papers were scattered around in the small table. I walk to the kitchen where Jin was cutting up vegetables. I stare at him in confusion.
"Uh...Jin...What are you doing?" I asked the male.
"Cooking for my 'Soon to be wife' and her sister." I blushed deep red and I smacked his arm lightly.
"You didn't have to...''
"I just did...Just got sit down and wait for the food to be ready." Well that's the first time he's ever cooked something for me...I mean Us...knowing Jin, he'll probably want something in return later.
"So...Yoongi really is over Jihee, right?'' I asked Jin. "I'm not sure about that, why though?''
"I bumped into Jihee and I invited her over, but then she immediately declined."
He pours a cup of water into the pot and turns to look at me.
"I am starting to believe that she is a lot more depressed when she told Yoongi she hated him more than Jimin's rejection."
"What makes you think that?"
I stroked my imaginary beard and thought to myself about Jin's question.
Why is she depressed for Yoongi?
"She did say she could not bare to see the man." Jin shrugs, going back to his cooking.
"She'll get over him." He simply says and stirs around his soup in which minutes later he places a bowl in  front of me. I inspected it and saw that there was nothing wrong with it. I want to prove if his cooking was great just how all those fanfics seem to put it.
I got the spoon and I tasted it.




It was A M A Z I N G-

Jin's cooking is actually the best I've tasted so far...erm apart from Ms.Fisher's. Jin calls Kim to come and eat with us and her eyes lit up as soon as the spoon met her lips.
"Wah Jin this is so good!'' We compliment. He laughs lightly, scratching the back of his neck nervously.
"Y-Yeah. Thanks. This is the first time I've ever made something for girls." Jin blushed and sat next to me.

  Jin rested his head on his hand and stared at me, giving me a smile.
"You do know you're graduating next month, right?" I nod. "Finally..." I breathed out, "I wanted to complete my education for a while now. I'll be able to go to college!'' I fist pumped.
"Then we could get married." Jin suggested. I blushed and scratched my cheek with my index finger.
"Y-Yah...what's with you-" I stuttered and he cuts me off by placing a quick peck on my lips.
"That's because you're mine and I just want you to be with me for a very long time. I love you so much, (Y/N)."

His words made me realize that I wanted the same. I wanted to marry the young idol and be with him for a very long time.

Neighbors {Jin x Reader}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang