.•*Chapter 2*•.

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Michael tentatively followed the stranger into the camp, his father by his side. Michael felt his insides churn as every face around him scowled. The teen didn't know what to expect, despite looking up the possible methods of 'conversion' that were used; he discovered that each 'camp' was different and that he'd go in blind without any idea of the upcoming torture.

The place looked like a hidden hell, there were multiple cabin-like buildings, probably there to keep up the camp-like charade, there was a screened in building with multiple tables inside. What perturbed Michael most was a large grey brick rectangular building, the fact it was windowless put him on edge. He had many harmful thoughts scurry in his mind, 'is that where they tortured and beat the people who disobey, who are beyond fixing?' He wondered, he felt his heart quicken and his stomach drop.

The three men approached a group, a group of many boys and girls ahead of them. Michael recognised a few faces, but his mind was too cloudy to put names to faces at the moment. His mind was swallowed in hateful things he wanted to spew at his father and at the men and women who worked here, he wished to scream his lungs out at them but knew he couldn't.

He let out a shaky sigh and stood with the group, he could tell they were the teenagers just like him. Each child had to deal with the homophobia in their lives that eventually led them here, he smiled softly at them wishing to get them out of this place.

Michael felt a scowl crawl onto his features as his father left him there without another word. 'You raised me, you created me, yet you leave me like that? What the FUCK will mom say when she finds out where I am and what you did?' He thought negatively, the malice laced in the words etched into his mind were very clear. He was torn from his thoughts as the camp worker cleared his throat and stood on a tree stump.

"I am Dennis, and as you may know.. you are all sinners,"   He paused as a few groans and growls rumbled along the group, "you are all broken, wrong, sick, but we can fix you! As long as you do what we say," Michael shuddered as he heard the venom leaking from the man's voice. He could feel the subtle threat laced in his voice.

"My name is Helena, and I'm here to explain the rules and procedures here," an oddly chipper woman stepped up next to Dennis, "Boys will be roomed with girls, one boy and girl per room! No sleep overs," her voice slipped into something almost menacing, "we have a tight schedule here, we will announce the day's activities at that moment. Hopefully by the end of your conversion you will be healed, able to be friendly with your gender and love the opposite gender. And realize that there is only two genders," Michael heard growls and slight sobs erupt from beside him. It was heartbreaking.

An unnamed councillor escorted him to one of the cabins, there were many of the unkept wooden buildings, all small in size. He was shoved in as if the person who 'escorted' him was too disgusted to touch him, so much for his existing self esteem.

"Michael?" A familiar voice caught his attention, he whipped his heard around surprisingly to see them.

"J-Jenna?" He forced out, he noticed his voice felt scratchy and his numb face had tears streaking down it, probably from earlier.

"You're gay?" They both exclaimed at the same time, letting out a little chuckle afterwards.

"Oh yeah, didn't you notice the patch on my jacket?" Michael tried to lighten the tense air, but he soon realized such a feat was impossible in this place.

"I did, but I didn't care enough to pay attention, and I've picked up a thing or two from reporting people who were probably gay when it comes to hiding it." She shrugged as she stared at her nails.

Michael laughs at how he didn't realize the logic behind her methods, he sits on his bed and curls up on it.

"So Michael," she pauses and grins slyly at him, "I had a small crush on Christine, did you have a crush on anyone before we were sent to summer's hell?"

"Jeremy," Michael blurts out, he would have kept it to himself, but under these circumstances he didn't care. "It will forever be Jeremy, even when I survive this awful place and it's stupid methods."

"You plan to disobey?" She asks concerned, he knew he must've seemed clueless to her. She began to list the horrible torture and conversion methods they use, ones he has already knew and researched about.

The silence from his lack of response or acknowledgement hung very heavily in the air. He heard Jenna lay back in her bed, to show he was awake he glanced at her. She looked upset and tired, almost lifeless. Like she gave up.

"Michael... getting out of here alive by doing that.. it's impossible," she says dryly. Michael buries his face in his hoodie, he'd prove her wrong.

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