
21 2 1

Regular text is English
Italicized  words are Korean
(f/d) - favorite drink

Today marked week two with BTS and you were starting to get the feel for the everyday flow of things. You had classes on Mondays,  Wednesdays, and Thursdays every week unless said otherwise by any of the professors.

Your last class of the week ended and you pondered on what you would do this weekend. Walking down the sidewalk to the bus stop, you noticed a quaint coffee shop and decided to pop in and get something to drink. You walked up to the counter and ordered (f/d).

"Five dollars and twenty-five cents, please." The cashier said with a warm smile. You reached into your purse and realized that you didn't have any money whatsoever.

"Cancel order please. I forgot money." You said trying to use the skills that Jimin had taught you. The cashier gave a knowing look and gave you the cup of (f/d) anyway.

"It's on the house for you. You look like you need it." You took it and gave a slight bow because that's what they do here, right?

"Thank you!"  On your way out of the small shop you noticed a sign that you think said help wanted but you snapped a picture so one of the guys could translate it for you.


You opened the door to the dorm of BTS and expected everyone to be at the studio still but everyone was inside cracking jokes and fooling around, as lively as ever. You take off your shoes and set your bag next to the couch which was occupied by Suga's sleeping form. Sometimes you wondered how he could sleep through all the noise.

"How was class?" Taehyung asked from the kitchen. You lazily made your way over to him and sat on one of the bar stools by the counter.

"It was good, but I think I need to get a job or something because I have absolutely no spending money on me. There was this one cashier that had mercy on my weary soul and gave me coffee on the house." You noticed he was making a peanut butter and jam sandwich. He cut it in half and held out half of it to you.

"Want some?"

"Sure." You took the half sandwich from him and he gave you a sweet rectangular smile. "Thanks, Taehyung."

"You don't have to get a job. I'll buy stuff for you." He said.

"That's awefully nice of you, but I can't depend on you guys the entire time that I'm here. I'm legally an adult. I should be able to buy things with my own money."

"Oh, well if you really need a job I'm sure you'll find a good one." He gave you a quick, but awkward, side hug then exited the kitchen. Not long after Taehyung's awkward hug, Jimin came in in search of a snack. He eyed you sandwich.

"Yo, (y/n)... You wouldn't mind letting me have a bite of you sandwich, would you?" He leaned in to take a bite but you pulled away the morsel of food.

"This is my jam sandwich, Park Jimin. Go make your own." He pouted as you took a bite and stood up.

"Hey, Jimin can you..." You started but he cut you off.

"Are you going to share your sandwich?" He asked.

"No..." You say after you finish it off. "But can you translate this for me?" You held up the picture of the sign from the coffee shop.

"It's just a help wanted sign. Why did you want to know?" Jimin opened the fridge and pulled out a leftover ham sandwhich for himself.

"I was thinking about getting a job, but I don't know if I can get a job since I'm not too good at speaking Korean yet."

"Go for it. Your Korean will be good if you keep practicing with me." He shoved as much of the sandwich as he could get in his mouth making his cheeks puff out.

"Thanks Jimin!" You smiled and grabbed your phone and wallet with intent of going to apply for the job, but Jimin grabbed your arm firmly to keep you from walking out.

"(Y/n), where are you going?" He asked with a full mouth.

"I'm going to get a job. That's why I asked you about the sign.... I thought it was pretty obvious."

"Oh, okay. That's cool." He let go of your wrist and you walked towards the door all the while you could feel Jimin's gaze fixed on you.


You had just finished your interview with the manager of the small shop and he was impressed with your quick learning skills and the scholarship you received at the Seoul National University. After a quick discussion with some of the staff he decided to hire you part time... as a janitor. So, being a janitor at a coffee shop was not your ideal job in a forgien country, but hey a girl has to make money somehow.

"If you want you can start now and I'll have someone show you what to do and where everything is." You nodded respectfully and followed the manager back into the break room where a girl sat. You instantly recognized her as the cashier from earlier.

"Sora, this is (y/n), and (y/n), this is Sora, the assistant manager. She will show you around and tell you what to do." Both of you smiled awkwardly until the manager left and she stood up.

"I didn't think I would be seeing you here again." She said in a slightly rude tone. You simply stood there with a frown on your face as you tried to form an awesome comeback into Korean.

"Stop standing around and let me show you what to do." You complied with her demands and she showed you around the coffee shop and made sure to use exaggerated motions as she spoke, as if she was trying to mock your comprehension of the language. Gritting your teeth you somehow managed to survive the thirty minutes of mockery until the shop would close and everyone would get to leave.

On your way out both of you passed the manager and he asked how the mini orientation went.

"(Y/n) was great!" She said with an obviously fake smile. "I can't wait to work with her again!"

You sighed under your breath and quickly left the coffee shop. Maybe you should have gotten a different job...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2017 ⏰

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