The Kids are Not Okay

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The girl you know is just a lie.
The boy you know has gone astray.
When alone, they sit and cry;
The kids are not okay.

The kids are not okay out there,
The outlook's bleak and gray.
They're taught each day the world don't care
The kids are not okay.

The world is trying to stamp us out,
And fill us with hate and spite.
There is no end to the fear and doubt,
The kids are not alright.

The kids are not alright out there,
They're bracing for the fight.
They're taught each day the world don't care,
The kids are not alright.

Each day feels even longer.
The air of indifference cuts deep.
But with your help we can grow stronger,
Even if the mountain's steep.

The kids are not okay out there,
But help us on our way.
Prove to us that you do care
And help us be okay.

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