Hi,my name's Y/N =} pt.20

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Betty Pov's

I Had a plan,the plan is to get me more stronger,but I have to get more souls,I got plenty of them in my AU

but is not enough,I heard this AU's called NaJ

I suppose I could get the souls there,I found out that,there is more souls than others AU's! including the teachers and the students!!

"hehe...once our plan is succeed,we'll rule over the world and make everyone who's left suffer! isn't that right kumu?"

they nod,they sit on my head and turns into a flowers crown

we found the highschool,the main part of the AU,it will be perfect if I schooled in here and attack them at once


"hi there! I'm Betty! what's your name?"
I said that dialogue for ever time I met someone new,I have to gain their trust

then it will be easier,everyone is checked but only one girl...

her name is Y/N,have a golden Hair

I saw her!
she's there walking by herself! time for--

"Hey Betty!"
oh god why,What's Dust want right now??

I said with a faked smile he seems to buy and talked

"do you have a P.E Class??"

"no I don't"

not Cross!Chara too!

I glance behind my back and saw that Y/N wasn't there anymore! dangit

next time,I won't let her pass me...

*next day*
I saw Y/N was talking to Mr.Nightmare,they seems pretty close,I might interested in this but...

I ship them,I'll make sure they were buried next to each other!

When I about to call her,Bunny called me,welp first list person to kill

she was bragging about her new boyfriend,and how jealous PJ will be

I glanced behind,and saw Y/N and Mr.Nightmare isn't there anymore!!!

*time skip again*

I was walking to a Park,with kumu disguise as my  bandanna

"I don't Understand Kumu! it's like a fate that I will never have a chance to know her!"

the  suddenly I saw Y/N! she was sitting at a bench and was staring at the sky,maybe's she's daydreaming

"hey Y/N! that's your name right?"

she shots her head and glanced towards me,I smiled and she smiled back,I walk towards her

"yes that's my name! I assuming your Betty,the new students at Under high?"

"Yes! soooo...it's nice to finally know you!"

"it is nice Betty,by the way my full name is Y/N L/N,so hello Betty my name is Y/N =}"

(to be continue )

Hey guys! sorry for the short chapters! I'm kinda busy with something and guess what?

I found a little Kitten! and he looked just the same as Blaze!

oh how much I miss him!
I was so happy right now! and a little bit sad,but that doesn't matter now!

they might be right...cat's do have 9 lives...
anyway I want your help to name my new kitty! I can't think of a name LOL

anyway enjoy the shot Chappie~



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