Planet of the Dead - Two

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"Did you hear something?" Christina asked them as they both were busy with the phone trying to send the photos. "Hold on. Busy."

"There was a noise, like a sort of... Doctor, Stone."

The fly-like creature moved towards the three chittered and clicked pointing its weapon at the three mostly the Doctor who had gently pushed the Stone behind him and stepped in front being the closest to the creature before he started to click and chitter in reply to it. "That's wait." The Doctor informed. "I shout wait, people usually wait."

"You hope at least." The Stone added grinning at him.

"You speak the language?" Christina looked at him.

"Every language." He corrected then clicked some more. "That's begging for mercy."

"The one lesson I am grateful you paid attention in." The Stone patted his arm. "I was never really that good at other languages. "I know most of Earths, however." The alien then gestured it's weapon to the left.

"That means move." Christina said.

"Ooo, you're learning." The Doctor looked at her then look the Stones in front of him as they walked, he wearily turned round slightly checking to see that the creature was still there.

"These fly things, they must be responsible. They brought us here." Christina said.

"No, no, no, no, no." The Time Lords shook their heads. "Look at the ship. It's a wreck." The Doctor pointing at the giant spaceship half destroyed.

"They crashed, just like us." The Stone added.


"Oh, but this place is freezing." Christina shivered. The Time Lords and the human woman were being brought through the ship with the alien behind them.

"Mmm. The hull's made of photafine steel."

"Turns cold when it's hot." The Stone cut in. "Boiling desert outside, freezing ship inside."

"Since we met you, Christina, we've been through all the extremes." The Doctor frowned.

"That's how I like things, extreme."

"If I didn't know any better it sounds like someone likes you." The Stone whispered to him through her laughter.

"And how do you find that amusing?" The Doctor raised a brow. "I never understand how you don't get jealous.

"Sweetheart when your husband has a massive ego that makes every woman practically throw themselves at him you would understand, plus you asked to Unify with me." She chuckled. "You may be an idiot at times but you would never ask me to do that if you weren't sure yourself."

"And that is why you are completely brilliant." He grinned kissing her cheek. "But look at this." The Doctor then said no longer whispering. "Oh, this is beautiful."

"Intact, it must have been magnificent." The Stone breathed looking around the ship.

"proper streamlined deep spacer."

"I'll remember that as I'm being slowly tortured." Christina sarcastically looked at them. "At least I'm bleeding on the floor of a really well-designed spaceship."

"Who said anything about torturing?" The Stone looked at her then the alien fly who was now stood with another as they clicked and chittered. One of them then tapped a small device the other was wearing.

"Oh, right, good." The Doctor nodded. "Yes. Hello. That's a telepathic translator." He informed Christina. "He can understand us."

"Still sounds like gibberish to me."

Arising From the Fall [4] (The Parallel Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now