Lucy [ I ]

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Lucy met you on a late afternoon when she was walking alone along the shore

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Lucy met you on a late afternoon when she was walking alone along the shore. She had kicked out her shoes and was wading with her feet through the water, pulling up her dress so it would stay dry. She was very focused on the steps she took, so when your head suddenly emerged from the water Lucy squealed, stumbled and fell right into the water. The magical sounds of your laughter had caused her to chuckle along and wonder why you were still swimming at this time. Only when you got closer to help her stand up she saw your tail and realized you were a mermaid. From that day on the two of you spend almost every afternoon together, talking, swimming, laughing.

Lucy's older siblings were pleasantly surprised when they found out their sister had found a friend in a mermaid. Edmund had teased her every time they ate fish for dinner which caused Lucy to actually stop eating sea animals, Peter sometimes joined Lucy and you to enjoy his free time with his feet in the water. Susan, however, was the only one who noticed that this friendship was more than just a friendship. But she didn't tell Lucy, for she would find out herself.

"There's probably nothing you love more than swimming."

"There is though, Lucy, it's you." 

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