Peter [ XIV ]

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You've done it

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You've done it. You left everything behind, your friends, your family, your home. You have left Narnia and with that everything you know.

You're not regretting it in the slightest. Or maybe, just a little bit. How can you not? Everything in England is so different than in Narnia and you haven't even seen half of it yet.

It had given you quite a big scare when the five of you, Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy and you, had left Narnia through the tree and suddenly stood in some sort of dark tunnel. There had been a lot of people surrounding you, all in some sort of hurry and stepping inside some means of transportation. Your eyes had tried to take everything in, but it had been too much. Peter had taken your hand, squeezed it, and pulled you along inside the, what they called, train. Edmund had joked about how he left his lighting device back in Narnia, but you could only think about what you had left in Narnia.

The Pevensies had immediately begun to explain everything there was to know about their world. Words like electicity, car, boarding school and so much more had almost given you a headache back then, sometimes they still do.

Now you know what everything is, you just can't quite picture it yet. So today Peter wants to take you outside, into the city. All you want to do is lock yourself up in your room and dodge the many questions about your sudden appearance. You've told Mister and Misses Pevensie that you are an exchange student, who doesn't know much about England, and they are still more than happy to have you stay with them, but you're just so afraid that you've made the wrong decision.

Looking at Peter through your eyelashes you take back your last thought. You've made the right decision. Home shouldn't be a place, it should be with him.

The blond looks up from his work and smiles at you. The two of you are sitting at the kitchen table as Peter tries to explain some basic 'math' to you. You're not really sure if you understand yet, but you know that you'd rather go outside.

"Ready to go?" asks Peter as he chuckles at your expression when you glance down at the weird letters and numbers in front of you.

"Yes please," you sigh in relief.

The two of you put on your coats, which you still find quite uncomfortable considering you're used to cloaks, and step outside. The Pevensies live somewhere quiet, almost an hour away from the busy centre of London. That's were you and Peter are heading. It takes quite some time to get there with the underground, but you quite enjoy yourself in Peter's company.

The first thing that throws you off guard when you step onto the busy streets of London is how crowded it is. Everyone seems busy, walking -no, speeding past each other in a hurry. It wouldn't surprise you if you stand out somehow, you're very aware that you look like a little child who's seeing snow for the first time.

Being in a different world, it's a lot. You knew it would be a lot, but somewhere inside you, you can feel that it's worth it.

You feel Peter squeeze your hand softly as he drags you further into the city, the smile on his face never wavering as he watches you.

"Welcome home."

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