Susan [ III ]

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You met Queen Susan in the ballroom of the castle in Anvard

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You met Queen Susan in the ballroom of the castle in Anvard. You were having a conversation with the two Princes, Cor and Corin, when Susan came up to the three of you. She introduced herself to you and spent the rest of the ball by your side, talking about almost everything there was to talk about. But when the ball ended and night had fallen, you two were nowhere near finishing your conversation. But sadly, when Susan woke up the next morning she couldn't find you. After asking King Lune were you had run of to, he gave her a letter written by you. Apologizing for your quick departure, you promised to write to Susan every opportunity you got. And you did, the two of you wrote so many letters that Peter was afraid Susan would use all the paper there was at Cair Paravel. There was only one way to avoid that, inviting you.

"Peter... Do you think we'll have anything to talk about?"

"Sue, you could've written a whole book by now. I think you'll manage."

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