Part 1, Taken

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Ashlyn's POV

"Just shut up and start walking!"

"But you promised you would take me today! I'm going to be late again if you don't!"

I huffed and flipped my brother off before beginning to walk to school. I held it up too long and my bracelets almost fell down. But they didn't.

As I was walking to school that day, I remember thinking about how my life is actually really good. I mean, my family is nice and we joke and hang out a lot, my school is okay, I mean I'm not bullied or anything. I have friends, and we hang out all the time. 

'so why do I feel so... empty?'  I thought to myself. I subconsciously began rubbing my wrist, thinking about how many times I had taken a blade to them to feel like I was still breathing again... How many times I took too many aspirin, or Advil, in hopes that it might be too much, but then waking up later with only the dull thud of a headache. Because I couldn't actually take my own life. 

Someone bumped into me, shaking me from my thoughts. I had stopped walking, I realized. I was going to be late... again. I stopped and thought about it... and then remembered. The shortcut. Of course. I ran up and turned left, walking on a deserted road. Okay, so no, it's not like a super cool, secret doorway in the woods or anything, but it does get you to school about five minutes earlier, even though not many people know it. So I was walking down this road, thinking about life, and death, and sh*t like that, and then this guy walks up to me.

"Hey, babygirl. What's such a precious little thing like you doing walking down such a lonely road. Ain't you got some friends that should be with you?" He was actually a very good looking guy, he looked just barely out of high school. Although he also did not look like a very nice guy. and the way he spoke to me, 'babygirl' and all, definitely short of some respect. I wanted so bad to tell him off. But in all honesty, I was kinda scared. So, I decided to lie.

"Yes I do have some friends. They are picking me up in their car, here. And they should be here any minute, so if you will please excuse me..." I then gestured to the bench on the side of the road, that he just so happened to be blocking. He moved out of the way... and then sat down next to me.

'geez. This guy cannot take a hint, can he?'  I was on the far end of the bench and he was in the very middle. he had a five o' clock shadow, and he was dressed in casual clothes, they were in pretty good condition. I had nothing special on. Just in my black converse and some skinny jeans with a Panic! at the Disco shirt. Not a lot of makeup, just a touch of concealer to hide the dark spots under my eyes. A little bit of eyeshadow, and some mascara. No lipstick or lip gloss. My wavy brunette hair was just hanging loosely around my shoulders, and my green eyes flashed him as I caught him staring at me. 

"What?" I asked. I started fidgeting with my hands. I was trying to figure out what I should do; we both knew my friends were not going to pick me up.

"What do you mean 'what'?" he replied with a sly smile.

"I mean, what the f*ck why are you staring at me like that."

"Such a pretty little mouth shouldn't say such ugly words, you know," he said, having a mock disappointed look on his face. "And I'm staring at you because it's not so very often I get to catch someone so very pretty and  spirited."

"What do you mean catch-" but then it went black...

Mark's POV 

I was honestly enjoying speaking with her, but I had to get her back before someone saw us talking and could witness to the cops. I gave her head a nice blow... poor thing will probably wake up with a headache. I had picked her up bridal style and as I was carrying her off through the trees, she started to stir for a moment but then went limp again. I didn't think much of it until she punched me in the f*cking face. I dropped her and she immediately began to run. I rubbed my jaw and then laughed. She was going to be fun; the smart ones always are.

Hello guys, Thank you so much for reading! I hope you liked the first chapter, and please, I love suggestions, so if you have an idea about where the story could go from here please let me know! If you would like me to post, please comment. I love having comments waiting for me when I log on, and I feel like you guys actually care. This book will have it's comedy parts, as I believe every book should, but there will also be very intimate and deep parts, as well as sexual sequences. If you do not want to read the sexual parts, there will be a warning on the chapter, and another warning right before the scene.

Soon more in, "Complications"    

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