Part 6, The Rest of the Rules

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I can't believe I just called him daddy. That's insane. I mean, I've read about kinks like that and stuff, but I didn't know that I would enjoy calling him that. I never really thought I had any kinks. Then again, I never thought I would get kidnapped either, but look where I am now. I think I'm just going to call him Sir most of the time and try to keep myself under control. I don't want him to think I'm a whore or anything. And I mean I'm kind of only dressed in my panties and what I'm assuming is one of his shirts, so that might be making me a little more shy than usual.

I mean, he already knows I'm a virgin. So how much of a whore could he think I am? Right? And I shouldn't even care anyway. Jesus, I've been kidnapped and all I can think about it what my kidnapper thinks of me.

I looked over to him, he seemed to be lost in his own thought, as well. I cleared my throat, and he seemed startled and looked over to me. "Right, the rest of the rules, then."

I nodded, "Yes, sir."

His brows furrowed slightly, and he spoke curiously "What happened to 'daddy'?"

My cheeks were a river of never-ending crimson at almost everything he said to me. "I.. I just would rather.... uhm.." I tried to think of a way to explain that the reason I didn't want to call him that all the time wasn't because I didn't like it, It was because I did like it.

Luckily, I think he kind of realized that. He smiled and softly chuckled, "Does it make you a little too..." he leaned in closer, his lips brushing against my ear as he whispered, "stimulated?" I shivered and it took all I had to stay still. I really did not want to answer that. He put his arm around me and lightly brushed his fingers against my arm. "Hmm, I think you're supposed to answer me. In case I haven't mentioned, that's rule number two. Always answer me when I'm speaking to you."

I looked up at him but avoided his eyes, and took a deep breath. "Yes sir, that's why," I said shakily.

He grabbed my chin and brought it to look up even more, and stared me down until I couldn't take it and was forced to meet his eyes. "What's why?"

My cheeks were on fire and I just wanted this discussion to be over already. I knew he was just going to make me say the whole thing out loud, may as well to it fast. "I don't want to call you daddy all the time because it makes me a little too flustered," I said all in one breath. "Sir," I added on quickly, never losing sight of his eyes.

He nodded, seemingly satisfied and let go of my chin allowing me to drop my head slightly.  "Alright, now I've been sitting here for almost a half an hour and we have only gone over 2 rules. Let's get this over with, shall we?"

"Yes, Sir," I said, remembering rule two.

"Alright, rule three is that you always listen to me. It seems very simple, very basic, but I figured we would put it in any way. Do you understand? Oh, and you are allowed to nod sometimes if it is a yes or no question," I nodded a 'yes' that I understood. "Rule four is that you will never ever harm yourself. No more of that, okay?"

I nodded and then raised my hand. Something had been troubling me all morning. He saw me and told me I could speak. "I was just, I'm confused, Sir. I thought you said were going to kill me... why are you being so nice to me?" I was looking at my lap, but I sneaked a peek of his face, which I couldn't quite read.

"Ashlyn, if I'm being honest I was going to kill you. I really was. But after last night, I just can't. And no, I'm not just talking about your body, although it is really beautiful." I looked up at his eyes and I was still a little scared, but somehow he was just so calming. He caught me looking at him and smiled comfortingly. "You are much more than what you think. You are a sweet, feisty, spirited girl. I've never seen anything like you, and I'm not ever going to hurt you. Well, aside from punishments, but even those won't usually inflict actual harm, and if they ever do it will be unintentional." I could understand that, I guess. I don't really know what he sees in me, but if he is telling the truth and isn't going to hurt me, then I guess I'm okay with that.

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