Human kite x reader (tfbw)

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It wasn't a day like always. Well in south park there aren't any normally days. I mean Aliens, Little gnomes that steal your underwear, Etc. Etc. Etc. But back to the topic. Today wasn't like always because the coon wanted every superhero in the base- which is his basement- to a coon and friends meeting. You were the only girl in the group and just with many trys (and puppy eyes, money and cheeseballs) you could play with them. Your class was assassin (live with it guys!). You mostly were sent to spy on the Freedom pals. But this time your mission was different. The coon sent you to Human kites base, because of an emergency!

At the moment you walked to his house, which isn't that far away. "Ah I see you reached the palace of the clouds!" The coon said when you take out your phone. "That's the home base of human kite. Go help him with his problem!" He said a little bit annoyed. Maybe because he was still angry that a girl plays with them. But whatever. You got inside and already saw Human kite on the end of the stairs, looking up. you must admit that he looks cute when he looks into something in the distance. some of his red her a slightly to see.

You always had a crush on him. but he probably doesn't like you back! But that doesn't really matter now. he has a problem and you wanted to help him! You were going to him and taped his shoulder. 'was that even a good idea? Maybe he watched something and got now distracted! What if he thinks U cant do this because I'm a girl?' You thought. 'OK the last isn't really that!' "Hello?" Someone waved a hand front of your face.

You got kicked into the reality and blushed slightly if emberessing. "Eh what is?" You asked. "I asked you what you want?" He said. "well I.... you see... Well" you couldn't say anything. his green eyes were a dream and his red hair probably so soft as a pillow! "Yes?" He asked. "well the coon said you have a problem and I wanted to help!" You finally said. "you wanted to help me?" he turned around and as if he speak to someone above him. "I sent and emergency and that is all I get? A beginner? You're such an asshole coon!" He said.

You felt a bit hurt, but he probably doesn't mean it bad. he turned again to you. "I'm pretty glad that you want to help Night breaker (your superhero name) but this isn't really something for you. nothing against you of course!" he blushed slightly which caused you somehow blushing too again. "it is so.... A few days ago there was an anomaly (don't no if I spelled it right! ;-;) in the universe!" He said. you didn't really get it but shrug it of. "another me of an other univers- a human kite of and alternate universe appeared and makes chaos!" he was on the end and actually wanted you to maybe find someone else who is free!

But you decided to go upstairs. "Don't sorry human kite. I take care of that!" You said. "Night breaker wait!" He shouted and followed you upstairs to the door of his room. "OK you can try it but if you are to injured I must take you outn" he said serious. again he blushed, it looked cute with his serious looking face. "alright!" You said. "OK. kick his ass so he goes back to his universe!" He said. you opened the door and saw a little boy, with brown hair, glasses, a little chubby belly, and an kite behind his back. you couldn't hell but tried not to laugh.

(you know the rest of the fight and so I skip this part sorry) after the fight with his cousin, he got nosebleed. it wasn't very fair how he fighted! But you win afterall! He went away and human kitchen hugged you all of a sudden. "oh thank you! Finally he is gone!" He said. you on the other side blushes like madly. he looked you into the face and you in his. you got closer and closer until.....

"Are you there Night breaker?" The coon got between. you got apart and taken out your phone. "yes I'm here!" You heard Human kite Cursing the coon for the interrupting! "Good. I have a new mission for you. come to the coon base. coon end!" And so he hang up. "looks like you got a new mission!" Human kite said. you heard that the sounded sad. you nodded. "maybe we could after the mission hang out sometime if you want!" You said nervous. he nodded and given you a goodbye hug.

He also given you some healing potion. you get outside and realized again what happened. 'he wanted to kiss me! Coon you fucking asshole dick! That means he loves me too!' You were so in your thoughts, that you noticed that human kite appeared behind you. He taped your shoulder and you turned around. But before you could ask what he wants he kissed you. this kiss was the best this day. you didn't wanted to let him go, but you needed stupid air (couldn't we all be gay fish's? XD who did check it) you needed to go apart.

"Well hope to see you soon (Y/N)!" He said and run, completely red into his house again. "yeah I hope so too Kyle" you said before you went back to the coon base with a smile!


Well I hope you liked it guys. if you want let a comment there and we see us in the next chapter. see ya. ^^

Word counter: 941 words.

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