Chapter 27

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I was sitting on the bench just beside Nekomata-san, holding a notebook and a pen. My gaze was focused on the team having their practice match, my pen grazing against the paper as I took note of their data of skills, capacities and such, and calculated their growth and improvement. It was only then we were informed by our coach a few days ago that we are going in a series of away games with various powerhouse schools, so that's why they are training extra right now.

"Tetsurou, you show-off." I sneered as I tossed him a water bottle and he successfully caught it.

"What? There's no one I could even show-off to." He said with a chuckle as he chugged on his water. I rolled my eyes then tapped my pen on the paper, thinking of what I should assess more on Tetsurou's statistics.

"Yaku-san! Can I--"

"No." Yaku-san cut Lev's statement off.

"But I didn't even finish my sentence." Lev pouted.

"I know what you are about to say, and my answer is no. You are going to have extra practices of receiving with me." Yaku-san stated firmly with a look that says 'complain and I'll kill you'.

One thing has been emphasized on the new gained information, it's the fact that Karasuno High School was included in the schools that will participate in the away games... which means that... he will be there. Tsukishima will also be there. For a moment, I have thought that Tetsurou signing me up as the team's manager had its benefits and drawbacks.

I'd finally get to see you again, however, it hadn't been that long since we had last seen each other anyway. I'm still the Kinomi you know, I haven't progressed at all. I'm still not the person you deserve. I promised you once we see each other again, you will see a girl that's worthy of your love. But... I'm still not the person you deserve, Tsukki... what am I going to do now?

"Mikazuki," Kozume-san called out, snapping me out of my trance. "you have to refill the water bottles."

"Oh right, will do."

He nodded, then went straight back to practice. I sighed heavily then gathered all of the almost empty water bottles in their baskets and refilled them on the water dispenser a few feet away from the gymnasium.

The series of away games will commence next month but then we will have to go through exams first. Not that I cared though, but I just heard that the Mathematics terror teacher resigned from teaching our section and requested a transfer to class 1-4, much to the latter's dismay. My class rejoiced and thanked me for my courage and bravery.

I let out a deep sigh, then tucked a loose strand of brown hair behind my ear because it's blocking my face. I guess I'd have to trim my hair, it's becoming a hindrance. Considering that in mind, I marched straight back to the gymnasium, ignoring the fact that someone was secretly watching me from a safe distance.

As days passed my anxiety and anticipation started to become worse each passing day, not because of the impending series of away games but because of the thought of seeing Tsukishima again. I cannot deny the mere fact that I have been dying to see him again but at the same time I don't.

As for the exams, well, I passed them all. And I didn't expect that Tetsurou was good at it, too. Studying, I mean. He was an idiot in my eyes and it was a surprise that he was good at studying. But that wasn't the only surprise I got from him, though...

I was assigned for cleaning duty, which was so tedious by the way, and good thing that there wasn't volleyball training that day. To make my day even more good, the bastard didn't even wait for me to finish and went home ahead of me.

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