Chapter 42

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"When are you planning to get married?" I asked Tora as I was busy looking over her bookshelf, finding a good book to read. I paid her a visit because I can. "My brother is even getting married ahead of you."

"We still have our priorities straight, Kinomi. Marriage is out of the option yet." Tora answered, still busy with her documents.

"What priorities?"

"Our own shops, jobs, responsibilities?" She said it as if she's unsure about the answer herself.

"What difference will it make if you tie the knot now or later?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows, peering over my shoulder to her direction to show my confusion.

Tora shrugged. "You said it before, we shouldn't be in a rush." I picked up a good book whose title piqued my interest then I took a seat on the couch, Tora watching me do so. "And the tables have finally turned, huh? I have a boyfriend now and you don't." There was a smirk evident in her tone.

I rolled my eyes, giving her a deadpanned stare. "Ha-ha-ha."

"It's my turn to ask you now. When are you planning to get a boyfriend? How many years has it been since your last? Six?"

"Maybe when your boyfriend proposed to you, I might reconsider." I said with a dismissive wave of my hand, my focus still on my book.

"Have you moved on from your high school sweetheart?"

"Yeah." I said, trying to make it sound nonchalant.

There was a knock on the door and it opened right after. I didn't mind the intruder and just took my cup of black tea on the coffee table to take a sip on it. I almost spat it out when Tora exclaimed. "Kei! Hi, honey!"

My neck hurt when I immediately snapped my head to the back to see a man who looked to be in the same age as Tora. He had blonde hair—which was obviously dyed and his hair was swept backwards by a headband. He also has brown eyes and piercings. He can really pull off the gangster look without much effort. But more importantly, he looked familiar... and the most imporant thing rather, he shares the same first name as Tsukishima?

"Yeah, Kinomi. You've moved on, alright." Tora broke into a fit of laughter, amused at my reaction. I flitted a menacing glare at her because she did it on purpose. She called him Kei on purpose!

"Honey, I brought your favorite meat buns." 'Kei'-san said warmly.

"Thank you!" She beamed at him, making me roll my eyes.

He smiled before his gaze shifted to me. "Oh, hi there." 'Kei'-san greeted me.

I stood up, nodding my head as a greeting. "Hello. You must be Tora's boyfriend."

"I guess that would be me, yes." He chuckled, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.

I squinted my eyes at him, trying to remember where on earth have I seen him. The intense stare made him feel awkward and uncomfortable.

"Have we met before?" I asked.

"Ah, you might not remember me because it's been years but I coach the boys volleyball team in Karasuno."

"Oh..." I nodded in acknowledgement. "So your name... is really Kei?"

"A part of it. Tora calls me that. My full name is Ukai Keishin." He introduced himself, and I nodded again, taking his outstretched hand for a handshake.

"Kuroo Kinomi."

"Could you be somehow related to a Kuroo Tetsurou?"

"He's my brother." I shrugged.

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