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Exorbitant: (of a price) much too high :exorbitant costs/fares/rents/fees/prices

Synonym : Sky-high,high-end

How to use the word.

On one fine evening in the middle of a busy street in Hongdae,Mark,JB and Jinyoung randomly enter a few clothing store,checking out the latest fashion and style for autumn season.They doesn't particularly care about the brand as long as it is their style and and comfortable to wear.

It was their sixth store and they finally able to find the perfect store.There are various style and brand name clothes but that didn't faze them.They know they have to buy new clothes now to fill their emptying wardrobes because of certain someone who likes to steal their clothes,adjust it and make it his own fashion.You hit the bullseye.Yes,it's Bambam aka the clothes thief.

After choosing and trying them on in the fitting room,they brought it to the cashier and put them on the counter.The cashier scanned the clothes barcode and put them in the shopping bag.

"The amount is 765,000 Won.Will you pay with your card or in cash?"The cashier kindly ask.'Prices are exorbitantly high in this shop'.JB thought.

"I'll pay mine with card and the rest will be paid by Jinyoung and Mark themselves."JB said,taking out his wallet and grabs his personal card.

"Pardon,who?"Looking at the confused face on the cashier visage,JB turns to his back and can't find the other two members.They were nowhere to be seen in the store.He was dumbfounded.Jinyoung and Mark actually leaves him alone so that he will pay the exorbitant price.


"I'll pay...for both of them with..my card."

Meanwhile,a certain red hair hyung and the fourth oldest hyung are currrently devouring a strawberry patbingsoo happily in a small cozy shop.But,the happiness never last long.A notification chimes in both of the boys phone,making them stop from wolfing down the food and open the message.Jinyoung and Mark visibly shudders after reading the content.The message was succint and short,although menacing and threatening.


English Vocabulary (Interesting Words) GOT7 versionWhere stories live. Discover now