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'You have arrived at your destination'

My phone announced as I pulled up in front of the giant school named ' Vladimir academy ' I parked my car in the student parking lot and walked in. I walked into the front foyer and went to the office. " How may I help you?" said a snooty voice, I looked up and studied who the voice belong to. the woman behind the desk had bleach blonde hair with her brown roots showing, green eyes that were faintly hidden behind purple g lasses. If she had green skin she could look like that secretary Roz off of monsters inc. I laughed softly at the thought. " if you don't need anything can you go away? I'm trying to watch last nights episode of ' Gossip Girl'! she stated with a hint of anger in her voice. " oh I'm sorry, I'm the new girl, Iris" I gave a nervous smile after I spoke. "and? what do you want?" she asked cooly. " oh, uh I guess my schedule?" I shyly stated "here" she handed me a sheet a piece of paper. "thanks" I said sarcastically and walked away.

I looked at my schedule. my home room is in room #666 with Miss. Green. 666 huh... Great home room Number geez. I walked in the classroom seeing a variety of students laughing and doing various things as class had not yet started. I went to Miss greens desk and introduced myself " Hi, I'm the new girl. Iris Aurora Hawke. " I shyly exclaimed. she looked up from her iPhone and took a quick once over of me. " Miss Green. But I'm sure you knew that. do you have your books?" she asked in a 'I don't want to be here' kinda voice. i nodded pulling them out of the spiked batman shoulder bag. "okay, take a seat next to Will and Shaun." she pointed over to, two guys.

I Walked through the sea of wooden tables trying to get to where I was meant to sit in the back of the class. as I was walking through, curious Hungry Eyes watched my every movement. judging the new girl. I heard a few whispers like ' it's that new girl' 'she's actually quite pretty' 'did Miss Green actually tell her to sit between them!' 'I wish I sat by will" I snickered softly, gossip already. I approached the guys Will and Shaun if I can recall their names correctly. I went to the chair in between them and sat down. they both studied me carefully, neither of them spoke for a long time. all of a sudden however they both almost in unison spoke " Hey " they have each other a slight glare breaking away as I giggled softly. "Hi " I shyly spoke. I looked up at who I presumed to be Will. He had short brown hair that obviously had some sort of gel rising the 'bangs' into a spike, and he had milky chocolate eyes that reminded me of a cute puppy. I looked to the left of me to see who I was certain was Shaun he had Longer hair then Will but it was still short. he had emerald green eyes. he sorta looked like a cliche surfer boy. "Um I'm Will" the voice to the right of me said "I'm Shaun by the way" the boy to the left of me grinned. "what's your name?" they both asked. "I'm Iris"

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