Chapter 3~

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*Ring ~ Ring *

"That's it for today class, go have lunch." Mrs green spoke sternly. My heart started to thud. I hate going into school cafeterias, everyone always judges you no matter what. And me being the ' new girl ' was not going to help keep the attention away. I walked slowly throughout the hallways to my locker. the walk seemed so short as I was soon standing at the doors to the cafeteria. I balled my hands into a tight fist. I pushed open the doors, and walked in. I was super nervous I felt I was having a panic attack. a loud bang sounded behind me and I jumped and squeaked a measly scream that lightly echoed through the big room. it was just loud enough for everyone to turn there attention to me. I turned reddish purple from holding my breathe In, but I didn't care I felt I might start hyperventilating if I let the breath go. I walked fairly fast to the back of the cafeteria and stood inline.

After getting my food I sat down in a small table in the corner. I looked at my palms and saw the deep indentations of my fingernails in them. I slowly ate my food as everyone around me talked loudly amongst themselves. I wasn't very hungry so I got up to throw my food away. as I made my way to the trash a guy walked past me and swooped his hand under my tray flipping it into my face and all over my body. "go back to where you came from freak" he said as he walked away. laughter slowly erupted around the cafeteria, tears welled in my eyes. this isn't the first time this kind of stuff has happened to me either. a little while after the laughter started it stopped and was replaced by gasps. I looked over to see the guy who bumped me, up against the wall with another guy with black hair squeezing his hand around the other guys throat. " Stop picking on people to make yourself feel better about your parents splitting up" the the black haired boy basically growled. I got a better look at the boy who got food all over me. He had light blonde hair and a chizled body structure. the boys face was turning a light shade of blue and the other guy let go. "I will kill you Jace! I swear it! Watch your damn back" the blonde kid yelled. the boy, Jace, walked over to me and picked me up bridal style smiling and walked right out of the cafeteria with me in his arms.

"Do they fit okay?" Jace asked from outside of a bathroom stall "well enough so that they don't fall off, shouldn't you be waiting outside? this is the girls bathroom" I shakily stated, I was really nervous. "nah I want to make sure your okay" you could hear the slight smile in his voice. " I do believe you are flirting with me" I smirked mcheveiously walking out of the stall in a pair of baggy sweat pants and and 'Metallica' band tee that was bigger on my medium frame. " I do believe I am" he smirked one of those cliche 'bad boy smirks you aways hear about in books. I simply rolled my eyes. He grabbed a piece of my hair and frowned. " You have enough food in your hair to feed a military" I blushed nervously at his joke. he walked slowly over to one of the sinks and ran some warm water. He motioned with his hand for me to go over to him. I walked over to him and in a quick movement he turned me around to face away from the sink, he gently leaned me back so my hair was under the running water. " I can do this myself you know. plus aren't there showers in the gym?" I stated with no particular tone in my voice. "it's hard to wash long hair in the skinks and to answer your question, yes there are showers, however the water is not working, pluming problems." "Oh" I let him continue washing my hair, feeling awkward all the while. I really hope no one walks in...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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