!New Person!

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Me: Got a new person! He was brought he by That_Otaku_Fangirl!

Mark: So who is it?

Me: The Gaming Lemon!

Jack: Who?

Me: A person with great humor! #KillerChefIsBack!

Mark: ... O_O

Me: Anygays bob, Take his blindfold off!

Bob: k, *Takes blindfold off lemon*

Lemon: Why am i-

Wade: Don't ask,

MatPat: i've made theorys of why we are here,

Felix: what are they?

MatPat: We're here cause apple is a crazy fangirl

All: Yep,

Me: Dammit... Anygays now im not the only person with a name that is food, LEMON APPLE PIE!

Felix: i am da pie :D

Lemon: O_O

Me: Our ship name is LemonApplePie! Pewdiepie X TheGamingLemon X CanIHazApple! #NewOTP

Bob: ... Anygays Mat where were you on halloween?

MatPat: i was with you guys! i went out as Fnaf 6!

Me: But you were wearing a costume that said "it should not happened" oh..... i get it.

MatPat: im trying to figure out the fnaf timeline... FNAF 6 IS NOT NEEDED AHHHHHHH *Does talks about theory which noone can understand cause he talking to fast*!


Felix: *Gets Mat a diet coke* Here!

MatPat: *Drinks*

Me: Better?

MatPat: Better.

Me: Anygays i love how Hazzie went as Anti,

Hazzie: *Pokes Ethan with fake knife while being dressed as anti*

Ethan: O_O

Jack: ONLY I CAN POKE ETHAN! *Picks ethan up bridal style and runs off*

Me: Damn.

Hazzie: Overprotective boyfriend.

Me: Yep, Anygays i was getting candy til my feet were sooooo sore.... like AHHHHHHHH i can't get up im staying on my bed all day nope nope nope. Bye lovely's!!! <3 OMG! ETHAN AND JACK JUST DID A VIDEO TOGETHER WATCHING IT!!!! *Screams like a fangirl*

Hazzie: YES!

Truth Or Dare ~Jacksepticeye,Markiplier,Pewdiepie,Crankgameplays~Where stories live. Discover now