Tuesday, October 31, 2017

16 2 8

Alex's POV


Halloween. The day we're supposed to meet our fate. The day that we will be 'wiped off the earth.' Not if I have anything to say about it. Fate has proved too weak to catch up to me. And I am determined to outsmart this person, and keep myself, and everyone else alive. 

We all let Angelica and George III sleep in after we got back yesterday, but even after Angie woke up, she warned us not to wake George III because he hadn't slept in a couple days. So, we left him alone. I still really wanted to punch Lee, even though I don't know exactly what happened. Needless to say, after today, Lee will be kicked out of our group. That is, unless he can prove he's changing his attitude. Then, he'll stay, but he'll be supervised. 

I kind of want him to go, however, there is a part of me that feels bad for him. He'll be essentially friendless, and I've been down that road only so many times. However, what he did to George III is unforgivable in my eyes, but maybe we should give him another chance? I don't know. I guess the will of the majority will win out, as usual.

I sigh and turn around, only now realizing that there is an arm draped over me. I smile, somehow feeling that John would protect me at all costs. I bury my head in his neck, feeling the heat that radiates off of him. He moves around a little, doing that morning groan thing that people who just wake up do, and stay perfectly still, focusing on making my breathing reflect that of a person who is stuck between the living and the dead realms, otherwise known as being asleep.

I feel his arm leave my body, and make its way to my hair, and I snuggle into his touch, desperately trying to resist letting out a sigh and trying to keep from smiling. Then, his hands move out of my hair, and rest on my cheek, cupping my face in his hands, before they leave me entirely. I'm starting to miss the warmth he provided, as I was just starting to actually fall asleep again, when his fingers start to poke and prod my stomach. 

I gasp, and my eyes fly open, any act that I was seeping completely gone. 'But you aren't ticklish," my brain told me. 'I know, so why am I experiencing this torture?' 

I dont laugh, instead, I wheeze. It really is a gross sound that emirates from my throat, because now, instead of wheezing, there has been an addition of snorting, so now, the sound I make is not even humane. 

___Time skip because I don't know what to write___

I step out of my room, wearing a lion costume. John is a turtle, Laf is a baguette, Herc is a flower girl, Thomas is a macaroni, James is a ghost, George III is Spongebob and I have no clue who everyone else is. 

When we are all ready, we exit the dorm and go to the spot we were instructed to go to yesterday, a place kinda in the middle of nowhere, but still close to college, so...?

So, we are standing, and waiting, and all the while, I'm thinking on how to stop this person, this thing, when, we see a poof of green mist. I guess this is it. 

A green...ghost transforms from the mist, and looks at us. "I AM THE FLYING DUTCHMAN! I am here to steal your souls." 

We all look at him in confusion, but we hear a squeal. It ends up coming from George III. "It's the Flying Dutchman from Spongebob!!! AHHHH. Sorry, I'm a fan." 

Something near a smile flickers across the Dutchman's face, before it sets back to a glare. "Yes, that is right, and you are all going to stay in Davey Jones' locker for the rest of eternity!!!" 

We all scream, except for George III, who is grinning and filming all of this. Then, a mix of colored mist forms and the rest of the Spongebob people take form. I gasp, am I sleeping? Or is this real? 

"We are here to help you escape the Flying Dutchman. Just get a ton of candy and give it to him. He's sometimes a bit cranky, but candy tends to soothe him." Spongebob exclaims, grinning, as always. 

I rub my eyes, still not believing anything that's going on. At this point, George III is on the ground, weird noises emanating from his throat. Spongebob looks at him. "Is he ok?"

"I honestly don't know." I reply, keeping the answer short and simple. 

"C-can I get a picture?" George stammers, regaining consciousness.

After a brief selfie session between George III and the Spongebob characters, We head out to get as much candy as we can.

____Another time skip, because writing about repeatedly knocking on doors would get boring really quick____

We run back to the spot we were ordered to, panting as we carry our heavy loads on our backs. "I-I hope this works." I manage to get out between pants. 

Everyone silently agrees, not wasting energy on speaking. When we get back to the rendezvous point, we see the Spongebob people conversing on how it is so weird up here on 'dry land.' 

We hand all the candy to the Flying Dutchman. 

"Candy? You got me candy? That is all I really wanted this year from Halloween, but no one takes me seriously enough to give me any." 

HE takes the candy from all of us, and in a poof, everyone is gone. But then, another mist appears, and the Flying Dutchman pops out again. "Oh, and I won't steal your souls." 

And then he's gone. 

I think that is the weirdest Halloween month I have ever had. Because seriously, what just happened?


Tomorrow, I am going to post a chapter here on why this book meant a lot to me, and why I'm sad that its over, so keep an eye out for that.

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