Chapter 1 ~ Dead or Alive

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Third-person view

(Y/n) went soaring into the air like a reindeer in the sky on Christmas eve. The drunk driver had no desire to stop and check on the impaired girl. She lies there with no movement of her body. She looked as if she had no possession of life. On the road, in the dark, cars flew past (Y/n)'s corpse. Headlights shown off and on the (Y/n)'s figure.  There was a screech, and the sound of a door being slammed shut. The air reeked with the scent of burnt rubber. A man rushed towards (Y/n)'s dead body and immediately called 911. It buzzed a few times before someone on the other side answered. By then there was a great number of people circling the site.

"Hello??" the man who had sprinted to the body asked.

"911, what's your emergency?" a woman on the other line questioned.

"Yes there is a young lady in the middle road and I think she was hit by a car!" the man said in a worried tone.

"Alright, where are you right now sir?" The whole crowd whispered and murmured.

"I'm on State Road 13, about 4 miles down."

"Okay, I'm sending assistance to your area, sir. They should be there in about ten minutes."

"Ok, thank you!" The man hung up and looked at the poor girl who had been impacted by a vehicle. With his throat becoming swollen and tears in his puffy eyes, he yelled "Someone, help me pick her up!"

Two other younger and stronger looking men helped carefully support the girl in their arms, while the other one grabbed a blanket from his truck. He hurried back to them and wrapped the blanket, starting at the bottom of her, then wrapping the whole thing around. The crowd slowly started gradually decreasing as the sirens echoed through the night. After a couple more minutes, the ambulance arrived, and hastily rushed her to the hospital.


She was a flat liner as soon as they connected her to the heart rate monitor and the doctors started with electrical cardioversion. They shocked her once. Nothing. They shocked her a second time with more power. Still nothing. They shocked her a third time. Nothing was showing she was going to live again. After a few more powerful electric shocks, the doctors gave up on trying to get her to live once more again. She was dead.

The hospital contacted her father, who was a scientist and inventor for NASA. Her father was shocked when he heard (Y/N) was in the hospital, though the hospital had not told her father that his only daughter was no longer alive. (Y/n)'s father rushed to the hospital, feeling guilt, concern, and nervousness. Once he had walked into the hospital room, he broke down into tears.

Father's POV (point of view)

'I have to fix this.' I thought. 'I can't lose her too!' The thought of my wife killed me. Never has a day gone by where I don't think about my daughter nor my wife. (Y/n) was the only thing I had left. My little angel, gone. I want to die at this very moment. But I can't. I have to save my daughter before it's too late.

I love her too much to leave her.

A/N: Eeeeeey so how did it turn out so far? It's my first story ever written on Wattpad- or anything I guess besides school. But that's another thing. School. School has been taking away a lot of my time. Wait till I'm in high school. But I should stop worrying. That's 3 more years till I'm a freshman. God, I hate life. Hope ya liked it though.

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