ch 7 - last chapter | God of Elements

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A/N: if you've read up to this point then I will like to thank you for taking your time to read and finish this short fic! This story was supposed to be done during the summer but I had a lot of other stories I also had to finish. Thank you again! xoxo Bangtaninfiresme


His youngest brother watched as he tore away his black wings, throwing them behind him as he jumped. He followed his heart and jumped off the ledge swiftly, leaving his brother behind along with his past. He was no longer hurting.
He was no longer in pain. When he teared off his wings, his life as an immortal ended, meaning that he was given two lives. One when he was an angel and was forced to become God of the Fallen Angels, and two, when his heel left the edge of the palace.

An uproar arose down from hell when Taehyung died. Restless souls and fallen angels scattered everywhere. Their home was destroyed and their god was dead. It was unbelievable and no one could believe it, even his brothers. Once Yoongi and Jimin began seeing lost souls in the mortal realm, they knew of the tragedy. And that was when everything went out of place. Nature wasn't balanced and it needed to be restored. That evening Jungkook fled with Taehyung's wings in his arms leaving his father behind him. Jungkook eventually took the chance to go up to the royal palace where Shin and the higher ups were. Once he arrived and told them what happened, Shin arranged a meeting for the 5 brothers and casted a protection spell over them.

"I can't afford to lose you all," said Shin. From that day on, Hoseok was made to become god of the angels not only for heaven, but for hell.

The brothers found out about Taehyung's death before their visit to Shin. It was a bit shocking, despite their brother Seokjin's death a few months ago. No one said anything about Taehyung besides Jungkook. It seemed like he was the only one who shed a tear for him. Most days in the mortal realm would be rain and drought. No sunshine or wind. Only his sadness drowning the mortals with his own tears of grief. Since his death, there was no proper ceremony or belongings of him that could set the ceremony.

It was as if he never existed.

The only thing left of his older brother were his wings and Jungkook kept that close to him. He brought it to his home and hung it up, only to look at it everyday when he woke up to remember Taehyung. Jungkook dearly missed him. Lord Wong never laid eyes on him since that day, in fact, he completely ignored Jungkook. Jungkook didn't mind though because he knew of the truth.. but now he knew how Taehyung truly felt after all these years. Days passed, weeks passed, and soon months did. Jungkook on his free time would go to the ocean shore near his home and go search for his dead brother's body. The only place he could've fallen in were into the body of water. Everyday was like this, whether it be him or the help of his brothers; mostly it being him. The sun would rise and set and Jungkook would sit on the sand, head crouched and hands covering his ears repeating the same four words over and over again.

"Hyung... I'll find you.."

And he continued until this day. Rumors had it that a fisherman once saw the god at the edge of the ocean, phenomenally transforming into a bird in search of his brothers body. Of course he went back and told the village but who would believe a fisherman?

No one did, and no one will.

Because no one will stay and listen about the God who was in desperate need to find his older brother. No one will believe the story about the human turning immortal and how his deed made the world how it is today. That 7 important gods were involved in the success this world brings to us. How the Lord never loved his sons except one. How God of War only wanted his brothers love meanwhile God of Fallen Angels wanted his father's. How God of Earth died a tragic death and how God of Fortune became a selfish greed after putting so many people before himself. How God of Love and God of Angels became enemies instead of brothers. And lastly, how God of Elements became alone, only to continue searching for his older brother until the day he broke his spell and died.

This was their story.

And this was how it ended.


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