Team Rocket?

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Eevee woke up to hear leaves crunching from outside. Eevee looked at Leafeon. Leafeon had said that if they needed to, they could wake her up. Eevee was gonna get up, but heard voices. "Would you to stop being so loud in the leaves, what if sleeping pokémon hear us" a child voice said. "Don't worry Suzi, pokémon are fast asleep" another child said. "Pi pi pi" a Pichu said. Eevee looked at the door. Maybe if she stopped those people, she could evolve. She tip toed to the door and walked into the hall way. She slowly walked outside. Eevee went behind the house and peeped her head to the side of that wall. There she saw a little girl with blonde hair, a little boy with green hair, and a Pichu. Eevee was gonna attack them now. Eevee jumped out and used swift. Team rocket fell, but wasn't knocked out. Pichu had dodged. "Ow, grrr, HEY WHO DID THAT" The girl whispered yelled. "Ow" the boy said. Pichu looked over and saw the Eevee. Eevee then got scared. She couldn't deal with these guys. "What's the big idea mutt" the girl said. "Maybe there protecting something or someone, maybe the rumors where true" the boy said. Pichu randomly used thunder shock. This hit Eevee, and Eevee didn't have the time to dodge. "Hey, that worked, do it again while there hurt Pichu" the girl said. Pichu once again used thunder shock. This hit Eevee once again. Eevee tried to run now, but she couldn't. Eevee realised, she had been paralyzed. "Well, they look hurt enough, Riku, put em' in the cage, Pichu, come with me" the girl said. Eevee couldn't even move. The boy picked Eevee up. Eevee growled. The boy giggled while Eevee attempted to move. Eevee was suddenly thrown in a cage. Eevee yelled. "GUYS, HELP" but to her call, no one answered. The boy, who could only hear her say EEEVEEEE shushed her quickly. A lightning bolt suddenly hit the boy. Eevee got scared. She looked to see, and it was Jolteon. The cage was broken quickly. Eevee was picked up by Leafeon. Leafeon quickly hugged Eevee. "Why didn't you get me before you did that" Leafeon said worried. She quickly started running while holding Eevee. They saw that a battle was going on with all the other guys and girls. Pichu was knocked out and the kids where running away with Pichu. Eevee felt sorry for not telling the others what she was up to. "We'll talk about this tomorrow, by then, everyone go to sleep" Umbreon said. And that's what everyone did.

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