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"What?" I stared at them blankly. My mind was a haze of confusion. The last of my memories tapered off when my rocket... Flew into a blackhole.

"I must be in an alternate dimension!" I shot off the bed and started pacing.

"So the black hole sucked me in and gravity must of reversed some how. If the molecular structure was unstable, it would've warped time and space... leading me to another dimension."

"Right?" I shot at them, turning to stare at the bystanders watching me.

"She's definitely insane," the red-haired one exclaimed.

Grinding my teeth, I turned to the beryl-hued girl.

"I'm Soleil. But you can call me Sol. Or LeiLei. Or even Sunny, if you want to be American."

She laughed, "I'm Lolli. Nice to meet you!" She gave me a quick one-armed hug. Her pale sundress fluttering.

I threw a slight glare at the other star who had one lip curled in slight contempt.


It was left at that.

"So you're are... Main Sequence stars?" I threw out, noticing, while they exuded power, it wasn't nearly as massive as one would have if they were a Neutron or Supergiant. The light encased them delicately, as though the air around them were shimmering with tiny rays of sunlight.

"Yessir. Class B Main Sequence stars at your service."

"Class?" I asked, a little lost.

"Class is by the level of Bright you have, rather, how much light you emit."

"So Light affects..."

"Power," Carmine slid in smoothly.

"Your Bright Class affects the type of Effects you can produce."

"Effects are like powers... Like in the comic Starman! Saving the world by using CyberBeam."

Carmine nodded somewhat enthusiastically, "Like 'superpowers' as you humans are fond of saying."

"So Classes Range from E-A. 'A' being the top and 'E' being... well..."


"Oh," I said intelligently. The whole system sounded pretty harsh to me.

"There's no need to worry," Carmine said, smiling, "You'll probably just be a Class E star. It might be too difficult for you to think of all these things at once."

I ignored her, "Well, I am only human. We don't have Bright Classes where I come from."

"You mean, you [were] only human. You aren't anymore."

I froze, "What does that make me then?"

The answer was so obvious, so apparent that I didn't want to conclude that it was so.

"You're a Star of course!"

"it's just not apparent which type... yet."

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