02 || Mandatory Rules

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>> You must follow the form and include everything given. I will not accept it if it's incomplete. Wait until i accept for form before beginning to roleplay

>> Use comment chains!!

>> I do allow cussing but do not go crazy. If you have a character who cusses like a sailor, tone it down a bit.

>> Keep the character looks realistic.

>> Respect each roleplayer and their character.

>> Do not exclude any roleplayers. If you have a roleplay started and planned it to be just you and someone else, I understand that but try to include everyone.

>> Smut is taken to PM!!

>> Roleplay in THIRD PERSON not first!! I'll put an example below..
Include as much detail as you please. This will be somewhat literate. Try to match the response someone sends you. NO one sentence answers. Being OP (Over powered) isn't allowed. Consider the other roleplayers actions and comments. Give them time to respond before you straight on kill their dog or cat. Also, check your grammar. A few mistakes are common but try you're best to not make it horrific to read..

Bad example ) Loeks around* Hi Barney *Smilels*

Good example ) The snow drifted into the small den causing Minnie to stir. She stretched her back out before curling herself up into a sitting position. Her brown eyes darted around the trees until they landed on a familiar shadowed grey figure. "Hi Barney," Minnie smiled to the bigger male dog and wagged her tail.

>> Do not purposely hurt the roleplayers and be extremely rude to one character due to hating the roleplayer. If you don't like the roleplayer, don't roleplay with them.

>> (Rule above) This also stands for bullying. I will not tolerate any bullying or put downs to anyone off the roleplay. You can have rivals with the roleplayers but do not bring unneeded drama.

"paw prints" - stray dog roleplay | closed XWhere stories live. Discover now