Part 7 - Do I want all this? 21+

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What do I do? what do I do? I thought as I held Jungkook head on my lap.

I opened the bandage on the back of his head and looked at the wound.

It wasn't bleeding, it seemed fine. So, what's happening Is he sick? I looked at his pocket and saw his phone, I should call the ambulance... I should.

The memories of what he did to me all replayed in my mind, and I froze.

I looked down at his face he was completely out of it then out of nowhere blood started to pour out of his nose, I quickly reached for the phone and called the ambulance.

I held him as tightly as I could, the tears pouring out of my eyes non-stop.


You're going to be ok... you're going to be ok

I held his head so close to mine, but he suddenly felt cold, his face grew paler and paler by the second. I began to cry even more, please be ok please!

The sound of and ambulance siren got louder and louder...

Once they took him into the ambulance I sat beside him and held his hand, his eyes opened the smallest amount and connected with mine.

He looked weak, so weak seeing him like this hurt so much but then I felt it, his hand gripping my hand so tight as if he was scared I would let go. His eyes then fell shut.

They finally arrived at the hospital and rushed him into a room, I slid down the wall onto the ground and held my head. I kept telling myself over and over that he was going to be ok

After a while I felt someone tap my shoulder and I immediately got up


Hi, can I ask you how your related to the patient


We're um... we're engaged


Oh well I noticed he has a head injury


Yes... last night he got into a... fight and he fell down quite bad


well considering how little it bled you probably thought that the injury wasn't that bad right?

Its normal and very common for situations like this to happen


But it did bleed, a lot


Yes, that's what it seemed like to you but after analysing the x-ray scan from the severity of the injury it should have bled much more than that


So, why didn't it?


That because he suffered what we call VERY mild internal bleeding, don't worry he is fine and his life is nowhere near at risk. The blood got released from his nose which is what cause him to survive if it didn't it could have resulted in a blood clot and----

He seemed to see my wide eyes as I began to panic because he then said


But he is completely fine, don't worry he will be ok and will wake up and time now.

I let out a big sigh of relief as the doctor gave me a big smile and walked away,

I walked slowly towards Jungkook's room, he was fast asleep as I went as sat next to him.

My Real Fairytale Ending {Book 2} [COMPLETED]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora