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kook: heyyy
kook: hunny bunny tae bear
kook: my lovely?
kook: bitch istg
kook: answer ho

tae sighed and shut off his phone. tossing it behind him, he stood up from the bed to pace his room anxiously. a thick rope seemed to tug at his heart slightly. lower and lower it pulled, tipping into his gut. "yah!" tae bellowed in frustration, rubbing his face furiously.

he hated that feeling. a feeling of uncertainty of disaster. a feeling of being unsure. a feeling of  potential pain in the near future. back and forth he paced his room, his slippers slapping against the floor.

jungkook made taehyung's insides throw gravity out the window and flutter wildly. he found himself laughing uncontrollably, his cheeks aching from his grin. whenever jungkook smiled, tae seemed to crumble a little inside and choke on his words. he lov-


tae pressed his forehead to the cool wall and let his shallow breaths bounce off of it. eyebrows furrowed, his thoughts kept rambling. he hadn't known jungkook for long, but it seemed as if he had known him longer than he had been living. he was a drug. a drug that shuts down the systems. poisons the lungs. attacks the heart. shuts down the brain. one caress, one kiss, and you're hooked. fingers shake, craving. mind races with the thought of not being able to have it anymore.

but did jungkook even care? nothing huge had happened since that first kiss. does he even feel anything different than what he feels with those girls. a choke escapes taehyung's chapped lips, dry from licking them with anxiety. what if he was just another toy? a simple device like an iphone that will get outdated and out of style. a thing to be tossed aside when used a couple times.

tae analyzed kook's behavior from what he had seen. he did tease tae and treat him sweetly. he pinched his cheeks and gave him back hugs. sometimes, he even slipped and nibbled on taehyung's earlobes, only to quickly retreat with flushed cheeks. but kook always seemed to have a new girl every week. new arm candy. was that all he was? was he even more important than his old toys? was he less?

in the mess of his storm of thoughts, tae hadn't noticed the river flowing down his cheeks. hot tears pushed and prodded at his eyes. they tickled his skin cruelly, licking at his jaw. they rolled and plopped to the ground. they soaked through his shirt. they wouldn't stop. he hated crying. it made him feel weak.

he felt like he was breaking. realization was the wedge and doubt was the hammer slamming it into his ribs.




jungkook didn't care about him the way tae cared for him. taehyung didn't despise him for this, he simply accepted it. he understood with a creaking, trembling heart. all fight seeped from him. his body went limp. shoulders slumped, and his head slid farther down the wall in defeat. everything slowed down.

his breaths.

his heart.

his thought process.

everything seemed hazy, a bit out of focus. but tae didn't care. why should he? he straightened up with his mind blank and fuzzy. dragging his feet to where his phone laid, he scooped it up with numb fingers. they seemed to work on their own as they typed:

tae: this isn't working.

a read receipt popped up, but long seconds passed before he replied.

kook: huh??

shoulders slumped even deeper as his fingers worked themselves across the screen.

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