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It's what seems to be what the whole work revolves around. And that includes relationships... and, well, relationships.

The Kardashian family seems to only have money because their entire band of existence relies on drama.

If they didn't... well then I'm not so sure they'd be too happy to find out they'd have to get actual jobs to supposed themselves and their families.

Some people feed off drama, they search the internet and real life for it, just to get a glimpse of action, then join in on it.

Kind of like porn.

But anyways, I seem to be one of the few people who (hopefully?) doesn't get involved in too much drama.

I mainly just stalk it all.

I try not to get involved unless it's something I happen to be quite passionate about or I just really want to fight someone.

Oh, and also if someone takes my food. Then we're going to have lots of drama.

Stay in drugs, kids. Don't do school.

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