Darkness and The Light

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I see the weather of death float by me like a black cloud.

I tumble in the winds and feel as though I weigh nothing.

I begin to show fear as I can see a face form from the darkness within

It glares at me as if I have trespassed on unsacred territory.

I stare into it's eyes and it slowly fades as it sees purity in my eyes.

The purity slowly makes the weather of death fade and I am left facing a pitch black forest.

Goosebumps form on my arm as I hear the wolves howl in the darkness.

I come face to face with golden yellow eyes almost as pure as gold.

It snarls showing it's teeth and it's dominance over this forbidden forest.

Suddenly it fades and I am staring into a white abyss called the forrbidden light.

Not understanding I go closer to the obyss of light and am confronted by the fear of all known diseases: Depression, Anxiety, Eating disorders, etc.

I now understand and try to scream, but nothing can be heard.

There is lightness and darkness in all disorders, but only some people can see both. Depression I don't see light in, but anxiety I do.

Anxiety helps fuel fire in our hearts and our lungs to allow us to overcome certain fears with the help of others.

I don't have eating disorders, but the light is with support people can overcome them and I know its not easy it never is and sadly that's the darkness part of it.

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