Anxiety and Depression

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Anxiety is like fire burning.

It constantly ruins our lives.

It makes us fear the unknown.

It's a demon no one wants to face.

You can't control it nor win the war constantly burning inside yourself.

It breaks us into tiny shards of glass.

It tears us apart until there is nothing left, but fear.

Depression is another demon we face daily.

It brings about evil.

It makes us feel unsafe.

It brings sadness and destruction.

It destroys the being we once knew as kind and happy.

It makes us feel hopeless, but the only thing we can do is battle it out.

Not all people win and instead kill themselves with the demon.

Together they are a tag team.

They make us want to sleep.

They drown us in our own tears.

The only way to win is with medications or so doctors say.

There is a cure dealing without medicine.

It's called facing them head on,

But how can we when it determines our personality.

How can we when people have already gotten to know those demons?

How can we when we have to set up a wall to save us.

Well you break the wall and fight hard and long.

It may be a long and rough battle with both demons.

You may get many scratches, but you have to get back up.

You have to fight as if everything you know depended on it.

I know it's hard for I am fighting the same battle daily.

Even I am struggling, but I am succeeding in my battle.

Soon it will be all over.

The person people knew will have changed.

They will be so happy and different.

They will make a difference and give hope.

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