Chapter 22 - Elliot

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Celebrating birthdays in the middle of the zombie apocalypse could not be fun. I felt bad for Charlie. Trust me, when your cake is a piece of cornbread with a toothpick in it for a candle, and your present is a day off from running, then it takes a bit more heart to make the day fun. Especially when you knew your friends and family were dead, and the world was overflowing with psychopaths who had no motive other than spread the disease. But Charlie, bless his adorable soul, was trying to make the best of it.

"Can I borrow your knife?" A thin hand rested on my arm, jolting me out of the small nap I had been taking. I blinked twice, and then looked down at little Charlie, who suddenly didn't seem so little anymore. I couldn't believe how much he had started to talk in the past few weeks. His parents had been killed just about 7 weeks ago now - and this kid was still going, still alive. I finally registered his words, and nodded.

"Uh, yeah of course," I mumbled, slipping the small pocketknife from my jeans. Charlie's thin arm wavered when I placed it in his hand. The poor kid - seeing things no kid should have to at age eleven. "Why do you need it?" I asked as Charlie's deep hazel eyes scanned the scuffed and scratched blade. His hands trembled.

"Your dad caught one - he wants information," Charlie said quietly. I sat back, calming my racing heart. Of course he had. My father had gone insane since Mom died, and all he wants is revenge. It was terrifying, but easy to understand.

"Just give it to him and get out, you won't wanna be in there when he starts," I advised. The birthday boy nodded, his long curls bobbing. I ruffled his hair, and then watched as he shuffled out of the small room in the back of the barn we had found. I watched until his flannel disappeared around the corner, then I forced myself out of the chair I had been lounging in.

"There he is! Where's birthday boy," My uncle called with forced lightheartedness when I climbed up the ladder to the loft where everyone else was eating. I glanced at him for a moment, but then sat down next to Ashley. She offered me a granola bar, but my stomach wasn't feeling it.

"Thanks, but no thanks. And B-Day boy's downstairs," I said, shaking my head. Ashley just smiled, and then offered the same bar to Lucas, who was sitting in Finn's lap. I caught Finn's eye as she helped Lucas open the bar.

"We are thinking of trying to get into the city tomorrow - we'll take one more day off. Hopefully when we get there we can get some real help though," Darren told me. I raised an eyebrow. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Finn shrink away.

"Really? I think that's good. I'm excited though, I heard that they have complete surveillance - no phasers. Hopefully it's as good as they have been saying online," I said, recalling the rumors I had heard circling around the city. Darren nodded.

"Yeah, and we've all been 'ere long enough to know that we aren't infected... We would've known by now," Ashley said with a twitch of her lips. Her husband exhaled sharply and turned his attention to the bottle of coke, taking a swig. I stared at him for a moment, but let it go.

"Finn, will there be candy?" Lucas's small voice squeaked. I glanced over at Finn, whose face seemed paler than normal. I could see the stress lines in her smile as she held her brother.

"Oh, I think they might be able to spare a piece or two for you," She kissed Lucas's blond locks. Lucas smiled, his eyes sliding shut as he leaned on his sister's shoulder. I looked away.

"And don't forget a cake for me, since now I'm a big kid," Charlie's voice called up. I turned to watch his head emerged from the ladder, and then he was kicking me with his boot to get me to move over. "Got enough space there?" He teased as he sat down, handing me the pocketknife back. I stared at it for a moment, noticing the silver gleam.

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