Chapter One

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Chapter 1
December 28/2017

    "Mayday...mayday...this is flight 106,metro airways...requesting for immediate you copy...I you copy",screamed the first pilot into the earphone,as he and his co-pilot battled trying to control the crashing plane,but the loud explosion from engine two, braced everyone onboard for impact.

    "We've lost engines one and two, were going down",the co-pilot screamed.

     "Impact in Five...Four...Three...Two.....".

     The explosion was deafening as a plane carrying one hundred and fourty six passengers from metropolis, crashed into a run-down football field, killing everyone onboard and within a twenty yard range, as well as the daily planets star reporter lois lane.

<Present day>
November 18/2017

•{Jingle bells playing in the background}•

    "Morning lois",said clark dropping his briefcase on his desk,opposite of her's.

     "Hi clark",she replied, her attention locked on her computer where she was busy writing an article.

     "Late again",she asked rhetorically, glancing at him.

     "Yeah,I was on my way, but this building down 18th street caught fire, and...."
     "You helped put it out".
    "Actually,superman took care of it before anyone got hurt, I on the other hand got a new story".

     "Nailed two birds with one stone, good for you smallville",she sighed a bit dissapointed.

     "What...two birds", he asked confused.

     "Lois there's something"

     "Lane,kent,charlie's office",said paul rushing over to his desk.

     "Clark,you wanted to tell me something", she asked closing her laptop, Charlie was the new editor for the daily planet, after Perry decided to go into politics.
     "Your outfit looks nice",he said rubbing the back of his head.

     "Ohh,thanks.......,nothing else".

     "Not really".
     "Why must you always shut me out",she whispered walking away.

     "And you're fired",screamed charlie from his office, just before Aubree a new reporter ran out crying.

     "What the hell's wrong with him",Lois asked, barging into office.
      "Lane", he yelled shoving a bar of chocolate into his drawer, "DO you know why men invented doors".

     "To keep stray animals and ex-wives out of their lives".
     "To ensure their privacy remains private",he barked,while lois rolled her eyes.

    "Good Morning sir",said clark walking in.

     "Tell me kent",charlie snapped standing up,"whats so good about the morning, is it the severe winter cold turning our jackets to ice,or the fact that some lowlife rucky down at the inquisitor,nailed the mindblowing article that has been at the top for the past two weeks", furious he banged his fists against the table.

     "And you tell me... how is that possible", this time he addressed Lois.
     "Go ask your staff, which if I should recall correctly, have either resigned over the past few days, or have been laid off by you", she snapped, her reaction surprising Charlie.

      "Lois meant to say the work-load is far too much for your employees, especially since a lot of people are'nt around anymore to share it with",clark said calmly,trying to reason with Charlie.

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