Chapter Two

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Chapter 2
Chelsey's Point Of View

   "Uuhhh,my head".

    "Master bruce I take my leave, your guest seems to be gaining consicousness", said an unfamiliar voice followed by footsteps. Slowly, I opened her eyes and they soon adapted to the bright incandescent light.

      "Where am I", I whispered faintly, too tired to even move, "Is anyone there", but there was no reply.

     "Dr Hughes", I called bolting up, thats when realized my hands and feet were strapped to an iron bed.

     "Whats th...what's going on,, who's there", I had started shouting in panick, trying to break free from the thick bands.

    "Superman",I whispered as the incidents of the previous day began to fill her memory.
    ‎"Where am I", my voice tainted with confusion and fear,as my thoughts drifted away to the possibilites of her being back there,that horrible place.

    The sound of hot air released from the vault like door,as it slowly opened,snapped me out of my thoughts,and back to reality, I froze,trying my best to listen for any other sound.

    "She's more dangerous than a nuclear bomb",a deep unfamiliar voice said.

    "She'll remain detained,at least untill it all fits in", detained,are they planning on keeping me here, where-ever here is, am just going to be another part of some experiment, I need to get out of here.
    I take a deep breath, gathering every ounce of energy I have left, then pull at my arms trying my best to break free from the bands,but the next thing I hear is a loud snap, followed by a stinging pain from my left wrist, I bit my lip trying to hold in a scream. I'll need to get out of here, these are just bands, they'll eventually cut or break, just need a little more.....

      "Don't try to move, or the only thing that'll end up broken are your hands", said the unfamiliar voice, how did he...when... I flinch from shock causing the pain in my wrist to increase, turning sharply towards the door, my eyes widen, my mouth dropped, as the figure clad in a black outfit that I knew all too well, stepped into the room, or whatever this place is. He then walked towards me at normal pace, I tried to move away but the bands prevented me from doing so.

     "Whats your name?",he asked looking me deep in the eyes, his voice was deep, rough, and intimidating, as well as the usual scowl on his face and look in his dark grey eyes, and me being strapped to a bed was'nt helping.

    "Where am I",I asked my voice sounding a lot more weak than I wanted it to, the attention of the tall, dark figure suddenly dropped to my hands, which had started glowing.
Oh No....

     "Get out of here,get away from me",I screamed at him,panicking.

     "Oh God no,not again",I pleaded as I closed my eyes trying my best to control my  emotions,but only making it worse.

     "Batman the vault can't hold the radiation anymore,am getting her out of here", said a familiar voice, wait a second, I know that voice, my eyes snap open, as my gaze fall on the two figures before me.

    "Superman",I gasped, he reached for the bands, and ripped off the one's that were holding down my hands. I threw my head backwards and screamed as the energy started overpowering me, I had completely lost control, and in the next few seconds,this place would come crashing down.

    I gasped feeling a sting in my chest, followed by an unusual calm feeling.

   "I thought you said you were'nt done with it", superman asked,as I felt my tensed muscles weaken, and my vision blurred. I tried to speak, but could'nt, as the two blurry figures slowly became enveloped in darkness.

      "There's a first time for everything", was the last thing I heard before my eyelids sealed shut.

<Hours Later>

     "Barry's in town",said a familiar voice.

     "Am aware",another deep and husky replied, followed by the sound of eletrical sparks, then voices, but I could'nt make out anything meaningful from what they were saying.

     "She's awake",the second voice said, well no need to pretend anymore, with that I forced my eyes open not minding the bright light which were directly in my face. I then noticed someone beside me, and subconsicously started racking my brain for the perfect question, out of the billions that were flooding my head all at once.

     "How am I still here",I muttered, but loud enough for the figure to hear, I knew I was in the same room I was before, the lights, glass, vault door, the iron bed, everything was in place,only that the bands were now replaced with three large iron straps that ran across my legs,abdomen and chest,thats when I noticed what I was  wearing,and it certainly wasn't what I blacked out in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2018 ⏰

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