Halloween Scare and Anger

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It was Halloween and you were getting ready in your costume for a Halloween party you and your friends were going to. You were dressing up as the new Harley Quinn. Usually you would never be so cliché with you Halloween costume but you were dressing up like this for your friend David's vlog. Your boyfriend Alex was changed into his costume that was very simple and left the room for you to change. He was hardly talking to you because he really wasn't happy about the way you were dressing. He hasn't been happy about it since David asked you to dress up like that and you agreed after he told you he'd give you $50 if you did. But here's the thing Alex couldn't speak up and still can't about you wearing the costume because your friends will know there's something up with you two if he's getting mad over a stupid costume. You and Alex have been secretly dating for about six months now. No one knows about you two not even your friends accept David girlfriend and your best friend Liza. If everyone else knew they'd all flip and make jokes and David would constantly vlog the two of you and it would get crazy. Liza on the other hand always knew you liked Alex I mean she's your best friend there is no not telling her about the guy you like. But she figured out you and Alex were dating on her own by accident.

*Flashback *

"Oh crap! I got catchup on my pants! I'll be right back I'm going to go wash it of in the bathroom" David said as he was getting up from the table you were all sitting at, at In n Out.

Liza laughed at her boyfriend and he walked away after tossing a fry from his tray at her. You were sitting next to Alex still eating when Alex looked at you.

"Looks like David isn't the only messy eater" Alex said looking at you.

"What?" You questioned him confused and smiling. He chuckled and put his hand up cupping your chin and wiping sauce from the corner of your mouth with his thumb. You looked down and giggled "Oh" you said embarrassed. Alex smiled and leaned into you more.

"It's ok it's cute" he whispered. You both for a split moment forgot Liza was still sitting right in front of you until she spoke up.

"Gosh! Ok you two do your weird flirting on your own time not when I'm eating! God boyfriends and girlfriends are so gross that's why I'm glad I have my girlfriend" Liza joked around. You and Alex put distance between the two of you and just fake laughed at her comment. Soon David came back to the table and sat down

"Ok got the ketchup off! What I miss?" He asked as he sat down.

"Oh nothing just that Y/N and Alex are dating and in love" Liza told David while eating a fry. Both your and Alex's heads shot up to look at her.

"What?!" David almost yelled with a crazy smile and his hand on his vlog camera. You looked at Alex a little worried. Before you heard Liza laugh.

"No I'm just kidding I just wanted a reaction out of you and I got it baby" Liza kept eating and looked up giving you a look secretly that you didn't even understand. It wasn't a I'm messing with you because you like him it was different but you just blew it off.

"Damn, that would have been something though" David said to no one in particular.

"Yeah right like I'd ever date Y/N. Have her as my best friend? yeah, of course! But have her as my girlfriend? God fucking no!" Alex replied to what David said and David laughed while Liza looked over and gave you am apolitic look mouthing sorry. You just smiled and nodded you knew Alex didn't mean what he said obviously since you were dating, and you knew later he would just keep apologizing for it  even if you weren't upset because you knew he didn't mean it. But tonight you decided to mess with him and just like Liza get a reaction from your boyfriend.

"I agree I mean Alex is like that goofy brother I could never see him as a boyfriend for me like literally never ever!" You sound serious and over exaggerated the never ever a bit to sound convincing. Alex looked over at you with a confused look.

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