Telling Alfred

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We sat there for a little longer, just starring at one another. "So...are a thing now?" J asked, a bit shyly. I shrugged showing a didn't really know "Do you want to?" I asked looking at him, seeing the blush on his face. He just looked down to the floor "I-I um...if it's alright w-with you Bruce." He glanced up at me timidity as if he'd done something wrong. I can't believe I'm going to say this, but when he acts all shy, it's kind of cute.

"It's fine with me," I told him "we just need to tell Alfred." J frowned and gave a worried look. Tilting my head, I asked him what was wrong. "What if Alfred doesn't want me to be with you?" He said in a small, scared voice. "What would others think? I'm scared Bruce." J looked away from me at that last part, like he was ashamed. I took his chin in between my thumb and pointer finger to make him look at me. "I don't care what he says," I said with a smile "if he doesn't like it, that's his problem." It took a few more comforting words and coaxing for J to agree to tell Alfred. We walked out of the bathroom, and to the kitchen. Alfred was standing at the counter putting away silverware. He turned around to see me without my cowl. J was standing behind me a bit, slightly worried about how Alfred would react. "Hey Alfred," I said a little worried "it turns out Joker knows my true identity, and has for quite awhile." Alfred threw an irritated glance toward J to which J whimpered slightly. "Leave him be Alfred," I said putting my hand on J's shoulder "he's not going to do anything to me or anyone in the family." 

Alfred gave both of us a confused look, so I decided to just come out with it. "We love each other Alfred," I said wrapping an arm around J's waist "if you have a problem, too bad." The only reaction Alfred gave us, was a sigh. "Master Bruce, I don't really have a problem with you two dating," he said "if you are happy, I won't stop you." I was so happy, I kissed J right on the lips. He was a little taken aback by this, but kissed back anyway. It was getting late, so both of us decided to go to bed. I got on the bed, but J just stood there. "Well come on," I said coaxing him to get in the bed "it's OK." He hesitated a little, but soon crawled in next to me. I wrapped an arm around his waist, and kissed his temple. "I love you J." I said bringing him closer to me. A blush grew on his face, and he buried his head in my chest "I love you too Bruce." With that, both of us went to sleep.

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