What Just Happened?

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What just happened? Did my father really just walked out on me. He has tried to control me my whole life.

Long ago he questioned why I went to Alabama instead of an Ivy League school where I could rub elbows with men like the Kennedys and Rockefellers. Wondered why I didn't play college baseball and take a try at the pros. Harassed me for months of why I left Savannah. I remember that one time that he hired a private investigator to find me after Katrina. This guy walks up to me in the middle of a disaster and gives me an envelope. I opened it and there was note from him with an airplane ticket to come home.

Being a cop is what I love, what I have always loved even during those dark years before Katrina. Things have only gotten better since I met King. He was a role model that I could trust, learn from and be mentored by. He slyly told me/showed me right from wrong and saw my strengths and weakness. He confronted me about how I grieved Savannah and how I had to confront my grief.

He's the one who brought Percy into my life and my heart. Shit, did I just say that? Percy is my friend and partner. She has been there for us all. We agreed that we could only be friends and that is where it is at.

As I flag down the waitress, I reach into my pocket and open my wallet. There's a picture of us all – Brody, King, Ms. Loretta, Sabastian, Percy, Triple P and myself. My closet friends. The team who I would give my life for.

The waitress comes over and says that the bill was taken care of. I slowly get up trying to get myself together. He will not make me cry again. I'm too old for this shit. I have tried to please that man my whole life, no longer.

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