The First Date

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As I drive back toward home, my mind wanders off to the day Sonja and I met on the levy and she handed over her ATF files she had compiled for Baitfish's drug ring. Watching her walk away from me toward the transportation stop, I caught myself thinking what a nice behind she had and if I could get a chance to have a date with that sweet heart. I remembered that when I was trying to describe Percy to Smitty and thought for the first time in a while about that first hug.

Finding something to wear wasn't hard since I hardly went out any more. I had tried to distance myself from that life style between my grief driven actions after Savannah died and the first time I hugged Sonja. Even after I told Percy that we should just be friends for the sake of the team and the night that she was almost thrown off from the roof, I had only went out with two women.

I had discovered that it was difficult to work with strong women. Brody, Sonja and Tammy were different in many aspects but all had minds, skills and talents to excel at what they did as agents. Tammy and Sonja could out shoot me and were ruthless in their reminding me about it. Brody and Tammy had their own way of dragging out the truth in our talks. Tammy like a sister with her reminders of how I could think through the situation and Brody like my momma providing several options and leaving me to my thoughts.

And then there is Percy. This Sonja Percy was different. She got into my mind and somewhere along the past few months, she found a part of my heart that was open to her uniqueness. Sometimes she knew what I was going to do before I did. I went to go left and she was already heading left. I can't remember the number of times we said the same thing out loud at the same time.

Tammy was right. I could not see Sonja with someone else. I know what this feeling is in my stomach. The same butterflies that I felt the first time that I saw Savannah. You're stupid LaSalle. How could you push this woman out of your life without seeing what could be?

Looking through the closet I had a hard time deciding what to wear. I didn't want to over dress or underdress. I put one of my two pair of dress pants and found this Ben Sherman shirt in the back of the closet that I forgot I had.

One thing about the girl's new apartment was that it wasn't that far from the Quarter. I knocked on the door and to my irritation saw Gregorio on the other side. "Come on in, your City Mouse is still trying to get pretty".

Now there's a sight that you don't see every day, Sonja Percy in a dress. Wonder how she walks on those heels. "You might want to take a sweater" I suggest. "The restaurant might be a little chilly. With that we are out the door.

I did my research and found an eating place that served vegan food. I had to call several places before this one. I'm not sure why we both seemed nervous. This was my partner. I had been with her in some very dangerous situations and now I sit across from her half afraid of what to say next.

Later when I walked her into the apartment, it was semi-dark. No Tammy thanks goodness. It was after mid-night by then and I told Sonja that I better go and beat the drunks home before the bars closed. I reached down to kiss her and really didn't want to let go, but I did. I know I needed to take this slow. I don't want to mess up a good possibility. I know Sonja. She will bolt and run if too much comes at her at once.

The subsequent dates went easier and soon our after hour's interaction was just as smooth as our team work on duty. Many days when I came into the office, I would catch Tammy looking at me, smirk and find something else to do. She got me. I knew it. She knew that I had lost my heart to Sonja but she never said another word to me after dressing me down in the car that day while we were returning from NOPD.

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