The Splendor of it All

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Who gets up at 7 a.m. on a Saturday? So this is one of those friends' things. I told Tammy that I would drop her off at the airport. She had to testify in a federal trial on Monday for an old FBI case and decided to fly out early to catch up with some old business associates in D.C.

It was almost 10:30 before I got back to our place. I took my time walking upstairs from the car. I was nervous as I dialed his number hoping that it would just go to voice mail when suddenly there was his voice.

"Hey beautiful". "What I can hardly hear you" I yelled? A few seconds later, he's back sans the background now. "Sorry a rescue squad just pulled up."

"I just dropped Tammy off at the airport. I was wondering when you pick me up tonight if you wanted to bring an overnight bag with you." Absolute silence. "Chris, Chris are you there?" "Yeah, I'm here" he finally says. "I was just wondering if you really want to do this". "I wouldn't have said it if I hadn't thought it through" I reply.


Where did you disappear to Marcus asked as I came out of the linen closet where I had ducked into so I could hear the call. "Just an unexpected call I responded".

The next thing that I know the clock says its' 11:30. It was time for the kid's lunch and for us to leave the hospital. I enjoyed my time each week with the children as they faced life and death battles.

Driving home my mind went to Tucker. That sweet boy was so full of life and into everything with so much energy. I feel so bad for the children and their parents as they try just to survive another day.

Back at the house I rumble through the fridge to find something to eat. How does a grown man have butterflies? Sonja's call had caught me by surprise. I knew that this was a big step for her, for us. There was nothing more that I could want then to wake up each morning with her in my arms. I was not going to push her into moving in this direction. I knew it was a decision that I should allow her to make in her own time.

The Marine Corp Ball was tonight. Pride made it a mandatory event this year. I didn't mind at all as it provided the perfect cover for Sonja and me to go to a formal event together. It's about 5 p.m. now and I am so jumpy I can hardly tie my bow tie. Out there the door, Oh shoot, I forgot my bag.

It only took a few minutes to drive to Sonja place. Still nervous I knocked on the door.

Sonja opens the door and appears dressed as fabulous as any movie star. She has on a ruby red dress with her hair piled onto the top of her head. I flash her my trademark smile. I am puzzled that her eyes go quickly to the floor. "Hey princess what up? Aren't you happy to see me?" "Of course I am come in."

As I step into the room Sonja leaves me standing there and disappears into her room. I sit my bag down on the other side of the sofa. Sonja returns with her coat and walks toward me. "You are just beautiful lady" and I bend down to kiss her. "Watch my lipstick 'Bama. "I kiss her anyway and take her into my arms. "You don't have more" I whisper as I come up for air.

Sonja hands me her coat and I hold it for her as she inserts her arms. She turns back around and starts laughing. I look up at her with a confused look as she proclaims "that red lipstick looks better on me than you" I walk toward the kitchen to get a paper towel and hand it to Sonja who tries to get all of the lipstick off me.

As we arrived at the hotel, we were overwhelmed by the heraldry. I had not been around many military events and I still had challenges about what those horns all meant.

I looked around and in the middle of all the uniforms I saw Sabastian waiving at us. Sonja and I waded through the tables and finally saw Loretta and our table a few feet ahead. Sonja looked for our seats. In the distance we saw Pride talking to the Secretary of the Navy. Her presence required us to carry our weapons that night and thus we were formally on duty. I was still trying to figure out where Sonja's gun was stored.

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