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Dear the first person who finds me,
I am proud of you, you found my previous note. I don't mind that you didn't get here in time.
        I killer myself because a bully was bullying my best friend.
So many things were happening.

I thought she would kill herself. She stayed strong and didn't.

She inspired me. To stay strong and not to give up. No matter how much pain she was going through, she always got through it better then she was before it happened.

I tried to be strong. But enemy's were coming from all sides.

The next note, is where it all began.
It's not a note, it's an envelope. It has letters for everyone. Please make sure those people get there letters. They need to know things.
~Harper Debbie
(1359 rosemoon ave.)

Dear BullyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz