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I often saw her in the town library. She likes books. Oh yes :)

I like observing her.

There are only two things she will be doing, whether she is reading or scribbling something in her red book, perhaps it was a journal or a diary of her.

As usual, she was reading a book in her usual spot in the library. At the back of the library, cozy spot to read. I am not a bookworm, but perhaps I'm gonna be one too because I'm eager to read each book she had read but I can't stand reading too much words. It made me dizzy.

When she's busy reading, I adore to watch every inch of her movement or her gestures.

I am terribly addicted to her.

I meant it when I said that. I don't know why I'm acting like this all of the sudden. I don't wanna come out as a stalker ugh.


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