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*The truth uncovered*

I doubt myself after I read your precious private diary. I'm sorry. I am curious about you so I read it.

You forgot to pick up your pink diary in the library yesterday. I wanted to give it back to you.. but I could not resist my eyes to read your journal.

I did not purposely took it. In my mind, I thought that you will definitely come again tomorrow after you realize that you forgot it.

Um. so.. I safely took it and.. read it. Sorry Erika but I like you and curious about your life too. I am literally drop dead curious about what you wrote in your personal diary..

It hits me.

I knew now. My heart ache. You dated my brother, my best friend, then your own best friend. You are a playgirl.


But... how could you be like this?

You wrote in your diary, you cannot stop yourself hurting then dump your boyfriends to make each of them suffer.

You also wrote that you despised Nathan's brother..

Which happen to be Me.


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