Chapter 4: Arrival

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Rebecca wrapped her hand around what she could only determine was a key in the dimly lit column of light. She pulled on the mysterious object causing it to break its bond from the uniquely shaped stalactite on the ceiling. Looking down at the shadowed object in her hand, Rebecca took a moment before she turned around and headed back toward the arch shape glow at the oval rooms entrance.

While walking back the water was thick causing her to struggle as she to strided through it before hearing a sound that was rather foreign, it was the sound of something splashing into the water behind her. Rebecca turned to look into the darkness, the halo of light no longer visible leaving her completely blind to the room, the only thing still visible was the dull glow of the entrance.

The silence of the room getting eerie before the quiet was quickly replaced by the sound of gallons of water beginning to pour in from somewhere, then another random object fell from he cave roof and the cavern was beginning to collapse. A rock fell right in front of Rebecca nearly hitting her in the head, however the rock had missed and the after splash hit her dead on. The dirty water splashed up and blinded her vision in the flooding chamber, she knew she was in trouble as she rushed to get to where she believed the entrance to the chamber was.

While Rebecca threw her body through the rising water, she managed to get to the dimly lit entrance of the cavern where the wood once was but had now floated off. She pulled herself out of the water and was now practically crawling on the partially dry ground of the entrance, but the water was rising fast and was already beginning to cover her.

Getting to her feet, she wiped more of the dirt out of her eyes then looked down at her feet. It was impossible to see the ground now since the murky water had completely hidden the ridged ground below her. Rebecca had little to no choice, she quickly hurried to the main entrance of the cave but got her foot caught underneath a rock. She was caught off guard and fell to the ground scraping up her body in the process, the sentimental lighter fell into the water beside her.

With no chance to recover it, the lighter got lost in the darkness of the water, she hesitated on the ground for a minute as the water started to engulf her head. Rebecca had to force herself back up to her feet and continued to move through the darkened cave until she could finally see the green foliage of trees at the entrance in front of her. With the pathway now lit up to her escape, she scampered up the remaining rocks and out through the cave's mouth to her safety. The water was closer then she had previously thought at it began to trickle out of the cave right behind her.

She took a minute to catch her breath while she looked down at the key still tightly grasped in her palm as well as a large cut that started bleeding down her arm. Her body was torn up from the cave as she limped back to the boulder that she had previously observed the map on. Rebecca made a temporary camp and began bandage herself up.


On then other side of the island, Miles and his team of reluctant followers hiked up the mountain before finally breaking through the tree line and arrived at the sight of a fancy looking cabin with multiple floors. The team sighed in relief as the awkward silence that Miles had bestowed upon them on the hike was finally coming to an end and they approached the front doors of the massive cabin. The double doors were filled with frosted glass, when Miles knocked on the wooden frame and took a step back as the sound of shuffling footsteps could be heard on the other side, only to be confirmed when a silhouetted figure appeared on the other side of the glass.

The sound of the door unlocking echoed through the door, only to be followed by the door swinging open to reveal a disheveled old man hunched over and looking at the boys with a confused look.

"Can I help you boy's?"

"Mr. Sanford, I'm one of the treasure hunters that called earlier and this is my brother Miles, and our newest assistant Kevin."

The old man continued to eye up his new guests, as Jared finished his explanation and attempting to take centre stage and be the centre of attention instead of Miles. Jared's sole intention was that maybe Sanford would see him as the leader of the group but not if Miles could help it.

"Ahh yes, I remember your call please come in. Oh and take your shoes off we might dig in the dirt but this house isn't a hole."

The older gentlemen tone was serious with a little hint of sarcasm, while Miles began to make a scene as he started to laugh with such fake intent in hopes that Sanford would respect him more if he acknowledged his poor attempt at humour. The team remained looking at the man awkwardly waiting for Miles to finish with his overly sarcastic laugh before entering the house. Miles as usual was the first one in as he shoved Jared off to the side, while Kevin remained in the back trying to not stand out in the brothers quarrel for power.

"Excuse me, Sanford but you said it would be okay for us to stay here for the next couple days during our expedition, so where should we put our bags?"

"Just put them in the guest house, it's out the back door ya can't miss it."

"Sounds good, hey Kevin be a good lad and take our bags out to the guest house."

They followed Sanford, before Jared eventually turned around to look at an oblivious Kevin, and removed the back pack on his shoulders and threw it at him. Only to watch it hit the aspiring treasure seeker in the chest and toppled him over.

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