Chapter 5: The Meeting

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Having gained entrance into the old veteran's house, Miles took his bag off as well and placed it down next to Kevin's body before following Jared and Sanford into his kitchen. Kevin laid against the wooden floor boards for a minute trying to comprehend what had just hit him.

He struggled to fight through the paralysis of having the wind knocked out of him before getting back up and picking up the other's bags. Kevin walked past the others and out the back door of the cabin to the guest house, while back in the kitchen Miles and Jared took a seat opposite of Sanford at his kitchen table.

"So you boys are here for the treasure eh? Might as well give up now, theres no point in searching."

"Why do you say that?"

Miles was confused by Sanford's statement, watching as the older man shuffled through some of the papers that were scattered about on the table.

"Simple, you seem like nice boys and everyone who's ever searched for it ended up dead, and I don't want to see that happen to you, so don't waste your time."

Sanford's words were quiet yet forewarning as he stopped rustling the papers and locked eyes with Miles, assuming it was his turn to speak. Miles went to talk but was quickly cut off by Jared once more.

"Excuse me sir, but I see you have quite a few pictures of you and a girl around here, is that your daughter?"

"Yes, but she's actually my adopted daughter, you see like most people who chose to live here they had a curiosity to find the islands hidden treasure, and unfortunately finding the cave they met there demise. Then the next thing I knew this little girl showed up to my door one day asking if I'd seen her parents. I could tell she had been crying and I felt I had no other option but to take her in and raise her."

Jared looked at the pictures that sat in the middle of the table, as Sanford's face washed over with sadness, before he picked up the picture of him and his daughter. Jared and Miles both watched Sanford closely as a tear broke away from his eye and began to roll down his cheek.

"So where is she now, If I may ask?"

"Well again like everyone else on this islands he's out looking for the treasure...and to find her parents."

Sanford wiped away the lone tear, and his sentence comes to an end. It was like it had been planned, in the other room the sound of the windowed doors swung back open and the voice of a young women entered the room.

"Dad, I'm back."

"We're in here sweetheart."

The screen door closed behind her, and she walked into the kitchen.

"Who's we?"

She asked as she turned the corner and saw the brothers sitting across from her father. Jared looked at her and gave Rebecca a half assed wave while Miles gave her a death glare insinuating that she was interrupting their important meeting.

"Rebecca these are the Keller Brothers, Boys this is my daughter Rebecca."

Sanford got up and walked over to hug Rebecca. He reached in for the embrace but only to stop short when he noticed Rebecca's bandaged arm and the dried blood around her hand. Her hand was still in a clenching fist as the key was still locked in place amongst her fingers.

"What's that my dear?"

"This? I found it in a cave, and I think I know where it goes."

The old man raised Rebecca's hand and looked at the key, causing her to release her grasp on it.

"Well come on, share with the group."

"Are you sure? Even with, them, here?"

Leaning up against the counter, Rebecca looked at her father who was returning to his seat with the rusted piece of metal and then at the sleazy brothers who were watching their conversation with great intent. Then back at her father figure, who was already looking back at Rebecca.

"Absolutely better yet, why don't you join these guys in their search. Actually I insist you should take her with you, she knows the island and you gentlemen seem to have the experience. You'd be a great team."

He didn't even wait for an answer, as he jumped straight to the point. While the two searching parties of Miles's team and Rebecca almost in sync started to argue their points in hope that it would convince Sanford to keep their exhibitions separate.

"Fine have it your way. Just remember though, this key that my daughter will be in possession of, is for the fabled hatch."

Sanford's words revealed what Rebecca was keeping secret as he handed the key back to Rebecca and rose to his feet. Feeling the conversation was over and to test the brothers he began to walk out of the kitchen and back into the main room where they could hear the crackling of a fireplace. Rebecca looked down at the key and saw a fine engraving on the side labeled Hatch written and had been worn down and covered by some rust. That's when in her peripherals she could see Miles turn to look up at her.

"Maybe you should just give us the key, we have a lot of experience and we don't want to see a young girl such as yourself get hurt down there."

"Oh you don't want to see a girl get hurt, how chivalrous but as I can clearly see you don't have a single scar on ya and yet my arm is covered in my own blood, maybe you should just screw off since I wouldn't like to see a couple little girls get hurt."

Miles was already gesturing for the key, and Rebecca's nasty retort hit him like a truck. Her comment clearly took a massive chunk out of Miles's ego and his face went from manipulative to aggressive. However Rebecca didn't notice as she left out the back door of the house slamming it shut behind her.

"Good work Miles, you just pissed off our best lead in finding the treasure."

Jared was quiet up until now, as he had that annoyed look on his face, as Miles once again thought he was better then everyone else and it ended up costing them.

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