Chapter 15: Epilogue

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The night sky around the cabin lit up with red and blue flashing lights, while Rebecca sat on the porch of the house wrapped up in a shock blankets that one of the paramedics gave her. She looked out at all the emergency vehicles unable to comprehend the day she just had, a moment later Kevin walked out and took a seat beside her.

"They're just finishing up in there...are you okay?"

"Yea, I'm just glad it's all over, but still it would have been nice to at least find something. y'know?"

"Yea I know what you mean."

Rebecca continued to stare out into the night sky, while the two sat in silence looking at the alternating lights from the emergency vehicles when a man walked out of the house.

"Um excuse me, but can I borrow you two for a second."

The detective looked at both Rebecca and Kevin simultaneously look over their shoulders at him.

"Yea absolutely."

Kevin stood up and helped Rebecca to her feet, who removed one of her hands from inside the blanket and took Kevin's hand. As he helped her up the blanket fell down off her shoulders and onto the grass. The detective himself turned around to enter the house again, as the siblings followed him. The house appeared to be almost like new now that everything had been cleaned up, as the detective walked into the main room regrouping with a small group standing around the fireplace.

"Over here."

The detective gestured to Rebecca and Kevin as he pushed through the small crowd of officers, the group of officers looked at them and moved to the side allowing them to pass. Now in the inner circle of the group, Rebecca looked down at the fireplace at all the burnt wood and coals that were spread out on the floor, no longer in the fireplace.

"What's going on here?"

"Please come and see this."

The detective crouched down beside the once full fireplace, while Kevin took one for the team and knelt down beside the detective. The man reached into the fireplace brushing off some of the soot on the bottom revealing a small trap door. The detective pulled a little handle that Kevin barely even saw and opened it up, as both of their eyes widened as they saw the contents of the safe.

"Rebecca you need to see this."

Rebecca hurried over and crouched down right in front of the fireplace with the detective and Kevin on either side of her. Taking a breath she peered into the dark hole only to be met with a golden shine. Inside was a neatly stacked pile of gold bars, as Rebecca reached into the secret compartment and pulled out one of the bars.

Surprised by the weight she briefly struggled to initially lift the bar, fumbling a little with it before getting a good grip on it. The bars were extremely reflective as she stared at her own reflection. Kevin and Rebecca both stared in awe at the bars as the detective got back up to his feet.

"Well I hope you two can find some peace after all that has happened here."

The detective put a hand on Rebecca's shoulder and continued to walk away, before Rebecca turned to look at Kevin.

"So what do we do with all this?"

Rebecca was still sizing up the gold bar in her hand as she awaited an answer from Kevin, who appeared to be deep in thought.

"Well actually I might have an idea," Kevin said getting a confused look from Rebecca. "Follow me."

He continued to get up and headed out the front door of the house, the detective was just climbing into his car when the siblings came jogging out trying to flag him down.

"Sir, hold on a sec."

"What is it?"

The detective was halfway into his car as he looked back at the two young adults approaching the cruiser, watching as the caught their breath.

"Do you think we could get a ride down to the docks?"

"For you kids, absolutely get in the back."

Kevin's gasped for air in between words before standing upright again and thanked the detective before opening the back door of the car. He gestured for Rebecca to enter the car first, as she climbed in and slid over then he climbed in and closed the door behind him.

"Kevin, why are we going to the docks? What are you hiding there?"

"Oh you'll see but for now you might as well get some sleep, it's still a bit of a drive."

Rebecca was still confused by the situation and wondered what Kevin could possibly have planned, but hearing him reassure her, she could only nod and close her eyes as Kevin stared out the window.


The car doesn't pull into the small fishing town until the crack of dawn when an orange sky slowly crawled over top of them. While they approached the docks, Kevin gave Rebecca a slight nudge causing her to slowly return to life. She made a confused mumbled noise before looking at her brother.

"We're here."

The detective stopped the car in front of the docks, as Kevin's whispered words faded into the air.

"So why are we here?"

"Because of that."

Kevin pointed out toward the brothers massive ship that sat docked at the port.

"Wait a minute you have a boat?"

"No, we have a boat."

He put an arm around Rebecca's shoulder as the two of them walked toward the mighty vessel in the sunrise.

"I have one more question though, How...did you survive the fall, Kevin."

"Well you see..."

The End

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