Empress 2

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Liang's POV

That girl, mercilessly defeated Cheng, he's one of our strongest member, damn she's good at this! I helped Cheng up after training was over, Zhuang went to get some ice for his face and Cheng's face, I just sat there, thinking about that girl, she goes to our school but we don't see her after lunch is over. Zhuang came back holding a pack of ice on his face and one for Cheng and sat down across from us.

"I'm gonna go do some research on that girl,"

"Why? She's just a fighter." Zhuang said.

"Cause her stance and moves are really similar to the Empress, almost the exact moves,"

"You have a good point there, but if you can't find anything we have to ask her tomorrow, Zhuang you have Maths, English and PE with her right? Befriend her somehow. Me and Liang will observe her from a distance during lunch and where she goes after lunch it's over." Cheng instructed.

After we walked him home, his mum was quite worried about him, so we told her what happened, after she fuming mad that a girl interrupted training and wants to talk to her mum about her behaviour. We helped Cheng out of he's clothes and into something else, and left his house. Zhuang went home, I did too.

When I arrived, I quickly went to research her.

//the next morning//

I woke up to my mum shaking me, telling me to wake up or I will be late, I did as I was told, ate breakfast and walked to school, avoiding anything that will waste my time until I came across a girl helping a group of elderlies, I looked at the scene while it played out, I saw that the girl was Sylvia and another girl, I did not recognised, they were lifting a toppled cart, there was someone under it, the girl pulled them out and grabbed something out of her bag, and started to treat the lady.

I continued walking to school, and heading towards my locker to put my stuff away when,

"So got anything Liang?"

Cheng scared the wits out of me,

"Nope, we have to ask her. All it said that the Empress, hides her face from cameras."

Sylvia's POV

So they want to know if I'm the Empress huh? Well I am the Empress, I shielded my face from the camera by wearing paint and a different coloured eye contacts, so the Empress' eyes' are Red and Yellow, while my normal eye colour is crimson red. Did they forget that my locker is like 2 lockers away from them! Pathetic!

I will act like they are just not there and than I will catch them and confront them!


Zhuang is annoying, Liang is annoying, the tall dude is annoying. Meiying is constantly asking me to tutor her. Dre is asking me to translate. I hate this school, I rather be studying by now. I walked towards a corner, I used my eagle eye to see that Zhuang, Liang and that tall dude is behind. Before they can say anything, I ran around them and tied their hands together.

"Now start talking! Why are you following me all day! You know a girl needs her own privacy right! PERVERTS!!" I glared straight at them.

"P..p..perverts?! We were trying to figure out if you're the Empress or not!" Zhuang stuttered.

"So ARE you the Empress?" Cheng asked.

"Yes yes I am the Empress" I smiled.

"First of: your smile is creepy but adorable at the same time, second: you don't even look like the Empress, why?"

"1. If you tell anyone this I will make your life a living hell! 2. I wear coloured contacts and paint my face!" I glared.

"Ok we promise that we won't tell anyone this secret is between the four of us, and also if one of us three break that promise you can do anything you want to us!"


I looked at the time and it was time for me to start heading back to my house, so I walked towards my locker with the guys following me, I collected my things and started to head out of school.

"Wait where you going school isn't ending yet?" Zhuang asked

"It is for me, I don't have classes after lunch time, but I do have a choice to stay at school or head back home. I hate people so I always head home or to the park. See ya!"


When she left, I felt like my heart was broken, when she's around my heart sped up. I don't know this feeling that is inside of me. When she was talking to Cheng and Zhuang, I felt jealous but when she's talking to me, I couldn't even muster up a word to say. Whenever I look into her beautiful crimson red eyes, I feel like she can see straight into my soul.

"Liang?! The teacher is talking you!" The girl I was sitting next nudged me with her elbow Gesturing towards the teacher

"Liang please you can do your daydreaming at home not right now!" She growled.

"Ok." I replied

The rest of the lesson, my mind kept going back to Sylvia, she's so beautiful! Wait?! I can't think of that she hates me!

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