Empress 3

776 14 0

Uri's POV

After I helped that topple cart, the other girl that I was with continued to walk towards the Beijing Lu Xin Middle school, I continued walking towards the train station. I'm visiting the temple today, it was the place where I grew up and learned Kung Fu, I'm going there to pay my respects to my master, he sadly passed away teaching a difficult student, they wanted me to take him in instead and have him accompany me in my life's adventures. I did refused the offer, but they insisted to, plus he's just like me, an orphan.

I currently live alone, in my own house, I'm studying at university, Yes I know I'm only 15 but, I was already taught during my times in the Temples.

//3 hours later//

I arrived at my destination, and sat out to the top of the mountains, on my way up, many tourists were taking breaks because of how high the temples are, and are amazed at how I'm not puffed out yet. Finally I arrived, I was greeted by my master's assistant, Shu Hua. She's like a mother to me. I nodded my head and continued to my master's room, but I was stopped by a boy, a really cute one in fact.

"Sorry ma'am but you cannot enter this room, it's restricted. Only students of he's are allowed." He blocked me from getting through.

"But I am he's student, he's first student actually, Uri Suoh. Nice to meet you Etsuko Kobayashi. You will be joining by my side as requested by Master." I greeted the boy with a slight smirk.

I walked into the room and bowed at my Master, I dare not to cry instead Shu Hua came over with something laid upon her hands, it was wrapped in silk with strings around it to keep it steady.

"Master's last wishes was for you to have this. He had got it tailored for you on your ceremony but of course you had fallen ill during that time and he was needed for another ceremony so he couldn't give it to you. Thank you so much for taking Kobayashi in, and train him. We also like to reward you this, it was made during the Qin Dynasty. We want you to use it whenever you have a ceremony or asked to perform something special for an event."

Shu Hua Handed me a beautiful sword, the handle had a golden dragon the tail was curled around the blade of the sword, jades as the eyes, it has fine details as well, I accepted the gift, I bowed in respect I grabbed Kobayashi's hand and pulled him down as well. Soon, him and I were walking down the stairs, Him constantly asking no one why he's following me, a girl. I rolled my eyes everytime he mentioned that girls are weak creatures. He stopped every 10th step while I just kept going down, he asked me stupid questions like Can I do kung fu? Was I master's student? Am I an orphan like him? But he soon shut up when he received no answers.

We reached the bottom, I went straight to a food stall that was nearby, I asked for two coconut water, I paid the lady and walked to the half-dead man lying on the very last step,

"Take it or I drink it, Monkey," he quickly grabbed the coconut from my hand and drank the entire thing,

"Well I guess our first lesson is, manners." I sat down next to him,

"Get up and get me to standup," he did as He was told, he kept asking me to stand but failed, to ask for a lady to stand you must hold your hand out for them to be able to stand with no trouble.

After 5 minutes of him just asking me, he held he's hand out and asked nicely, I grasped his hand and stood up,

"See you did it! Now if you can be a gentleman from here all the way to our destination, we will sign you up for a competition! With me!" He agreed to it.

When we were on the train, he asked questions about me and my likings, he offered me a shoulder if I get tired. He was quiet the whole ride, soon we arrived at the building, I live on the very last floor, the top floor 60, apartment number 509. I never knew he was terrified of heights, so he was clinging to me like a lost puppy. When we got to the very top, it was hard for me to walk, so grabbed he's hand to make easier for me, I reached my door I put in my key and unlocked the door, I showed him to his room, I showed him where my room is. When I got this apartment, it was a four bedroom and 3 bathrooms apartment, so I made the master bedroom into a dojo, and the smallest bedroom into a little music room. My room was the second largest bedroom,

"Hey I love your place,"

"Now it's also your place, but no parties or any friends over ok, and also I will be signing you into a school, I will be going as well so I will keep an eye on you. Welcome home, go settle in. We can go shopping for some essentials." I smiled and pushed him into he's room, then I went to my room.

I changed into a black sheer top, a long black skirt, and a pair of black ankle boots. I styled my hair into a braided ponytail, then knocked on Kobayashi's door, he came out in a simple white tee and a pair of khakis wearing vans, he's hair was left a little messy but it looked cute on him, I then took my phone and purse, grabbed he's hand and led him out of the apartment. We both went down to the school, straight towards the office area, I signed both of us up for schooling in grade 9. We both got our uniform, schedules and our locker keys. After that we both went on a tour of the school.


I was in my bed just casually scrolling through Instagram when Kobayashi popped he's head in, he was asking if we are starting school tomorrow or the day after. I answered the day after and then he was off. I put away my phone and went to bed.

EmpressTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon