Winter of 2010

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Soon enough I fell asleep, 

a couple of hours later i'm awoken by screaming and yelling,

Things being thrown and broken, 

I was used to it after all, but that night was different, I had a bad feeling. 

Like i knew something bad would happen, 

I was in my room, closed door, no view of what was going on on the other side of the door. 

I heard a pan being thrown and my mom went quiet. 

That was the moment I went paralyzed, but I was shaking a lot and crying and I couldn't breathe. 

You continued to call my mother names, and started threatening me, 

Like you knew I was awake, you knew I was listening. 

That night sticks with me everyday, That night I will never forget.

That night I argued with myself, 

Contemplating , should I go out there to check on my mom? 

Is it safe to go out there? 

I felt fear that night like I never had before. 

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