•Chapter 1 • Transcendent•

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"Breathe in".... "Breathe out"...

Said the unusually calm woman, playing on my headphones. I breathed in the petrichor scent as I walked through the dewy grass of Autumn, leaves lay strew along the cobbled path and conkers dotted the grass. The leaves always fascinated me. The collateral beauty it possessed, I try not to adhere to beautiful things, but the autumn leaves have some morbid curiosity, the leaves become so beautiful and people think it is idyllic and comforting when they fall off the tree, but they are blinded by it's beauty before they realise the leaves are dead.

"Release all your stress and worry, let it melt away..."

A leaf falls into my hand, as my boots crunch atop of it's fallen brethren, I softly let it go, letting the wind take it on it's final journey. I make my way to the bench at the top of the park, I watch my warm breath creating clouds in the autumnal air, subduing into nothing.

"Appreciate your surroundings, whether it be inside, on your bed - or outside, in the midst of nature."

I take my time to look around and take in where I am. I look at the burnt ember colours of the leaves, I look at the different hues and shades of autumn, I see the skeletons of trees, some frost clung to a spider web, I see a squirrel scurrying away with it's food, ready to hibernate. I see the sun, slowly rising over the horizon of the trees, the frosty air glazing the parked cars, mothers hurriedly taking their children to school, men with hot coffee in their hands going to work, the pre-teen children eyes on their phone, looking gloomy as they make their trek to school, I see old ladies bundled up in layers of warm clothing walking their dogs.

"Try to make sure that you are doi--"

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"Try to make sure that you are doi--"

I take out my headphones, listening to the morning birds as they sing away their tune, there isn't too much noise in the park at 6:30 in the morning, not a lot of people have the time or just aren't bothered. A lot of people really don't seem to be bothered about the Earth at all it seems as though they take it all for granted, they are too engrossed in, Olympus knows what, and they forget about the damage they are doing. We become to caught up in our own lives, not excluding myself of course.

OH YES! Myself!

You don't even know who I am yet! Well let me introduce myself, my name is Aurelia Morningstar, descendant of Persephone, I am 19 years old and I live in this here small town of Arden in the county of Heldfordshire. I live on my own, but I do have a roommate/ best friend called Adeline or Adie for short, she's sweet but very extroverted, and sometimes I just can't handle her happiness. Don't get me wrong, she's as cute as a button and one of the nicest people ever, and I appreciate her very much, but it sometimes angers me with how her life is so simple and easy to live, where as I have the most complicated life ever. I often envy her.

So I sat in my abundance of self-pity and loathing, until a phone call awoke me from my envious trance:

"I need your services..." said a voice husky and coarse.

I smirked, slightly flashing my teeth "Place and time."

I hung up *Ding* I looked at the new message that flashed upon my screen in my hand, nodding, I put the device in my pocket and made my way back down the cobbled path, strew with the golden leaves, breathing in the petrichor scent, cutting across the grass - sparkling with dew drops. A single ember leaf followed alongside me in the wind.

 A single ember leaf followed alongside me in the wind

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