•Chapter 2 • Insight•

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This chapter is an insight on the life of Aurelia, throughout the story you will receive "flashbacks" or looks into her past, you will gradually learn about her and her personality and life, you will not find out who she may be talking to or what is going on straight away, these are just segments of her past. ENJOY!

"You are like a rainbow." He said to me, with a smile equivalent to that of the shining sun on a cold winter day, unexpected warmth rushed through my body as I asked for his reasoning to which he replied "the way your cheeks colour when I call you beautiful, catching you off guard, causing them to flush the deepest shade of red. You are red. The deep dark velvety red of a rose which represents your beauty, but just like every rose has its thorns, you have yours and they are just as sharp as your words when you are consumed with anger".


•Olympus • Where are they now?•
•Part 1•

Zeus• I want you to imagine Zeus in a tailored suit and shaggy beard, a walking disparity of the loud, brash, post-graduate fraternity boy variety, who can't pass a woman on the street without cat calls, who has more one night stands than he can possibly count, for whom adultery comes as naturally as the weather he predicts on the news- with startling accuracy and an endless wealth of charisma.

Hera• Walking tall, six inch heels, not a stumble or a wrinkle in her skirt, knowing her husband is cheating and knowing with equal certainty that she is better, stronger & fiercer than he will ever be. A wedding planner with an eye of steel, spotting vulnerability and slicing it open, teaching every woman who crosses her path to value themselves over whatever mistakes made in the name of men and love.

•Poseidon• In Olympic prime, a gym rat who cancels everything to shatter backstroke records, who spends his summers life guarding at his city pool, who has an ever growing aquarium in his bedroom and coaxes all the pretty women to come up and visit his fish. His charm as impressive as the earth rendering temper he uses to fuel his competitive nature.

•Hades• Big, hulking, quieter than his brothers could ever think to be, who dresses in neat dark clothes, polishes his boots and spends more time reading than fighting. Who debates on eventuality and ethics, who stoically reminds everyone how enormous, how terrifying, how inescapable a thing like silent inevitability can be. A doting husband, unlike his brothers puts women in the highest regard, and his wife over all.


I saw them hurt a baby, because his skin colour was darker than theirs.

I saw them rape a woman, because judging from her clothing she was asking for it.

I saw them take special pills to ensure the birth of a boy, because how could a daughter be of any use?

I saw them ignore their child's suffering, because grades matter more than health anyway, because mental illness isn't equivalent to other illness, a broken heart not equivalent to a broken leg.

I saw them ban the niqab, because practicing one's faith is equivalent to terrorism.

I saw them destroy thousands of homes, because at the end of the day we will all be clinking our champagne flutes in our million pound mansions.

But you know what?
Along with that

I saw some donate wealth to help less privileged children receive the same level of education as their own.

I saw a man teach his son the importance of respecting women, because it is a woman after all for being the sole reason he existed.

I saw some give up their lives, so people they had never met could live better ones.

I saw white, brown, black, people of all ethnicities stand together to advocate peace in a world so consumed by hatred.

I saw a man stand up for a Muslim woman, because humanity is above religion.

Seeing this eases some of the pain in my heart, it was a reminder that there is still kindness in the world, the sun still rises everyday, and the birds still sing, there are still people out there who genuinely care

Have faith in humanity

I repeated to myself, a steady whisper, for the tenth time today, as I smiled at every stranger who I walk by, in hopes to make their day.

We walk in the same path, though we may not go in the same direction, we all have the same ultimate destination.

Deepest desires {DISCONTINUED}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz